Σήμερα σχεδόν κάθε άνδρας, γυναίκα και παιδί κρατάει μια συσκευή μικροκυματικής ακτινοβολίας στο χέρι του ή στον εγκέφαλο ή στο σώμα του όλη μέρα κάθε μέρα, αγνοώντας εντελώς τι κάνει στον εαυτό του, στην οικογένειά του, στα κατοικίδια ζώα του, στους φίλους του, στους γείτονές του, στα πουλιά στην αυλή του, στο οικοσύστημα και στον πλανήτη του.
Την ημέρα που ξεκίνησε η υπηρεσία ψηφιακής κινητής τηλεφωνίας στη Νέα Υόρκη, έλειπα από το σπίτι σε ένα τριήμερο συνέδριο νομικής. Την ημέρα που επέστρεψα στο σπίτι ζαλίζομαι.
Μέσα σε λίγες μέρες είχα και ναυτία και είχα ανεξέλεγκτο τρέμουλο. Είχα την πρώτη κρίση άσθματος της ζωής μου. Οι βολβοί των ματιών μου ένιωθα σαν να φουσκώνουν, τα χείλη μου ένιωθα ξηρά, παχιά και πρησμένα, ένιωσα πίεση στο στήθος μου και το κάτω μέρος των ποδιών μου πονούσε.
Έγινα τόσο αδύναμος που δεν μπορούσα να σηκώσω ένα βιβλίο. Το δέρμα μου έγινε τόσο ευαίσθητο που δεν άντεχα να με αγγίζουν και με δυσκολία άντεχα να φοράω τα ρούχα μου.
Το κεφάλι μου βρυχήθηκε σαν φορτηγό τρένο. Μετά την τέταρτη μέρα δεν μπορούσα να κοιμηθώ ή να φάω. Την έκτη νύχτα ο λάρυγγας μου έπεσε σε σπασμό τρεις φορές.
Κάθε φορά που συνέβαινε δεν μπορούσα να πάρω μια ανάσα μέσα ή έξω και νόμιζα ότι θα πέθαινα. Έφυγα από το σπίτι το επόμενο πρωί, για να μην επιστρέψω ποτέ.
Αυτό δεν συνέβη μόνο σε μένα, ή μόνο σε λίγους ανθρώπους. Από τις 14 Νοεμβρίου 1996, την ημέρα που η Omnipoint Communications άνοιξε όλους αυτούς τους πύργους κινητής τηλεφωνίας, εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες Νεοϋορκέζοι αρρώστησαν ξαφνικά.
Πολλοί νόμιζαν ότι έπαθαν έμφραγμα, εγκεφαλικό ή νευρικό κλονισμό. Το Υπουργείο Υγείας την αποκάλεσε επιδημία γρίπης και διήρκεσε μέχρι τον επόμενο Μάιο.
Δεν σταμάτησαν να αναρωτιούνται γιατί έπληξε μόνο τη Νέα Υόρκη και όχι καμία κοντινή πόλη εκείνη την εποχή. Οι εβδομαδιαίες στατιστικές θνησιμότητας από τα Κέντρα Ελέγχου Νοσημάτων αποκάλυψαν αύξηση 17 τοις εκατό της θνησιμότητας στην πόλη από την εβδομάδα της 17ης Νοεμβρίου, διάρκειας 11 εβδομάδων, που σκότωσε 2.300 ανθρώπους.
Η επιδημία έπληξε τη Βοστώνη μέχρι το επόμενο έτος, όταν η Sprint άρχισε να λειτουργεί εκεί στις 12 Νοεμβρίου 1997. Η θνησιμότητα αυξήθηκε κατά 15,5 τοις εκατό για 16 εβδομάδες.
Έπληξε το Σαν Ντιέγκο όταν η Pacific Bell άρχισε να λειτουργεί εκεί την 1η Νοεμβρίου 1996, διήρκεσε 17 εβδομάδες και αύξησε τη θνησιμότητα κατά 14,5 τοις εκατό.
Δεν χτύπησε το κοντινό Λος Άντζελες παρά το επόμενο καλοκαίρι, όταν η Pacific Bell άρχισε να λειτουργεί εκεί στις 3 Ιουλίου 1997 και η θνησιμότητα αυξήθηκε κατά 30 τοις εκατό για τις επόμενες 15 εβδομάδες.
Έπληξε τη Φιλαδέλφεια την άνοιξη, όταν η Sprint άρχισε να εξυπηρετεί εκεί στις 3 Απριλίου 1997, και το Ντιτρόιτ το φθινόπωρο, όταν η Sprint άρχισε να εξυπηρετεί εκεί στις 15 Οκτωβρίου 1997. Έπληξε το Τζάκσονβιλ της Φλόριντα το προηγούμενο φθινόπωρο, όταν η Powertel άρχισε να εξυπηρετεί εκεί την 15 Οκτωβρίου 1996.
Έπληξε το Σικάγο, το Μιλγουόκι, το Όστιν, το Σαν Αντόνιο, το Φορτ Γουόρθ, το Χιούστον, την Ατλάντα, το Φρέσνο, το Σπόκαν, το Πόρτλαντ, το Σακραμέντο, τη Σάρλοτ και την Τάλσα, ξεκινώντας σε κάθε πόλη την ημέρα που έγινε διαθέσιμη η ψηφιακή υπηρεσία κινητής τηλεφωνίας στο εκείνη την πόλη.
Έμαθα, το 1996, ότι τα επίπεδα ισχύος δεν έχουν σημασία. Αφού η ακτινοβολία μικροκυμάτων παραλίγο να με σκοτώσει στο Μπρούκλιν μετά από μόλις έξι ημέρες έκθεσης, ήμουν σίγουρος ότι τα επίπεδα ακτινοβολίας πρέπει να είναι υψηλά και προσέλαβα έναν επαγγελματία μηχανικό, τον Stuart Maurer, να πάει στο σπίτι μου με τον αναλυτή φάσματος του για να μετρήσει την ακτινοβολία. .
Κατέβηκα για μια μέρα από το δωμάτιο του μοτέλ μου στα βόρεια της Νέας Υόρκης για να τον παρακολουθήσω.
Προς έκπληξή μου, το υψηλότερο επίπεδο που μέτρησε, οπουδήποτε στο σπίτι μου, ήταν 0,0001 μικροβάτ ανά τετραγωνικό εκατοστό. Σαφώς είχα ακόμα πολλά να μάθω για την ακτινοβολία μικροκυμάτων και πολλά πράγματα που νόμιζα ότι ήξερα ότι ήταν λάθος.
Το ίδιο συμβαίνει τώρα με το 5G, μόνο που αυτή τη φορά αντί να κατηγορεί έναν ιό της γρίπης, η κοινωνία κατηγορεί έναν κορονοϊό. Και αυτή τη φορά, συμβαίνει παντού ταυτόχρονα αντί για μία πόλη τη φορά.
Στις 13 Οκτωβρίου 2020, η Verizon εξέδωσε ένα δελτίο τύπου ανακοινώνοντας τη διαθεσιμότητα του δικτύου 5G της σε όλες τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και την ίδια ημέρα η Apple εξέδωσε ένα δελτίο τύπου ανακοινώνοντας την κυκλοφορία του τηλεφώνου 5G, του iPhone 12.
Τα iPhone 12 και 12 Pro ήταν διαθέσιμα στα καταστήματα στις 23 Οκτωβρίου και τα iPhone Mini και Max ήταν διαθέσιμα στις αρχές Νοεμβρίου. Και σε κάθε πολιτεία εκτός από δύο, η θνησιμότητα άρχισε να αυξάνεται ξαφνικά την εβδομάδα της 24ης Οκτωβρίου ή αμέσως μετά, και όχι αργότερα από την εβδομάδα της 21ης Νοεμβρίου.
Οι δύο εξαιρέσεις ήταν το Ουισκόνσιν, όπου η άνοδος της θνησιμότητας ξεκίνησε την εβδομάδα της 17ης Οκτωβρίου και η Χαβάη , η οποία δεν είχε σημαντική αύξηση θανάτων τον περασμένο χειμώνα. Σε εθνικό επίπεδο, η θνησιμότητα αυξήθηκε κατά μέσο όρο 25 τοις εκατό για 20 εβδομάδες και 300.000 άνθρωποι πέθαναν.
Συμβαίνει παντού ταυτόχρονα και στα πουλιά, τα έντομα, την άγρια ζωή και τη φυτική ζωή. Ένας ανταποκριτής στο Νόξβιλ του Τενεσί μου έγραψε την περασμένη εβδομάδα:
«Αυτούς τους τελευταίους δύο μήνες παρατήρησα 5 βομβίλους στα λουλούδια μας που μου φάνηκαν παράλυτοι. Δυστυχώς, έχουμε το 5G Ultra Wideband της Verizon πολύ κοντά στο σπίτι μας, το οποίο είναι διαθέσιμο μόνο έξω και νομίζω ότι επηρεάζονται από αυτό.
Φέραμε 4 από αυτά στο σπίτι μας, το καθένα σε διαφορετικές ώρες, και 3 από τα 4 αναβίωσαν μέσα σε περίπου 5 λεπτά, οπότε τα άφησα πίσω έξω. Το 4ο χρειάστηκε λίγο περισσότερο από μία ώρα για να αναβιώσει πριν μπορέσει να πετάξει μακριά».
Ένας άλλος παρατηρητής, στο East Dover του Βερμόντ, έγραψε, πριν από μερικές ημέρες:
«Καλλιεργούμε 3 στρέμματα μαύρης σταφίδας, 200 θάμνους βατόμουρου (11 ποικιλίες) και μια σειρά από άλλα νεωτεριστικά φυτά μούρων. Το μικρό μας αγρόκτημα είναι πιστοποιημένο βιολογικό με 8 ανοιχτά στρέμματα πιστοποιημένα (μόνο 3 φυτεμένα) και τα υπόλοιπα από τα 31 στρέμματα είναι δασώδη.
Τα φραγκοστάφυλα είναι πρώιμα ανθισμένα και οι 4 ποικιλίες μας ανθίζουν όλες μέσα σε λίγες μέρες η μία από την άλλη. Υπάρχουν τόσα πολλά διαφορετικά έντομα επικονίασης που έρχονται στα χωράφια, συμπεριλαμβανομένου ενός συγκεκριμένου τύπου μέλισσας με κόκκινη μέση.
Είναι υπέροχο να βλέπεις και να ακούς όλα τα έντομα διαφορετικού σχήματος να απομακρύνονται με θόρυβο.
«Αυτή την άνοιξη, καθώς περπατούσα στις σειρές και θαύμαζα όλα τα άνθη στο μπροστινό χωράφι, ξαφνικά σταμάτησα γιατί ήταν σχεδόν εντελώς ήσυχα. Ανάμεσα στους 2.225 θάμνους μαύρης σταφίδας υπήρχαν δύο βομβίνοι και το βουητό τους ήταν τόσο αισθητό γιατί όλα ήταν τόσο σιωπηλά.
Όταν το ανέφερα αυτό σε έναν αγρότη μήλων πέμπτης γενιάς, είπε ότι όχι μόνο δεν υπήρχαν επικονιαστές φέτος, αλλά η χρονική στιγμή των πάντων ήταν εκτός λειτουργίας.
Για παράδειγμα, τα σπαράγγια του ήταν δύο εβδομάδες νωρίτερα (ήταν και τα δικά μας). Σε σύγκριση με το 2020, οι χρόνοι άνθισης της μαύρης σταφίδας ήταν 2 εβδομάδες νωρίτερα φέτος. Ήταν μια κρύα άνοιξη, αλλά θα πίστευα ότι αυτό θα καθυστερούσε την ανθοφορία.
Αυτός είναι ένας άλλος λόγος που τα έντομα δεν υπήρχαν ακόμα. Δύο εβδομάδες είναι τεράστιος χρόνος! Τα βατόμουρα ήταν επίσης γενικά πρώιμα και η συνήθης διαδοχή ανθοφοριών μέσω των ποικιλιών άλλαξε.
«Την επόμενη μέρα, πήγα στον Forever Wild, έναν αγρότη μελισσών, και εξασφάλισα μια παλέτα με τέσσερις κυψέλες. Έκανε πολύ κρύο για να πετάξουν κι έτσι έμειναν στις κυψέλες τους στη μέση μιας υπέροχης ανθοφορίας φραγκοστάφυλων. Προφανώς, οι μέλισσες θα πετάξουν όταν είναι σε χαμηλά 50s, αλλά οι μέλισσες χρειάζονται να είναι τουλάχιστον 59 μοίρες.
Ο μελισσοκόμος είπε ότι γονιμοποιούν το ένα τέταρτο ολόκληρης της πολιτείας (Βερμόντ) και ότι όλοι οι τύποι στον βορρά (κυρίως μήλα) μιλούσαν για το ίδιο πράγμα – χωρίς επικονιαστές και συγκεκριμένα χωρίς βομβιστές.
«Μια άλλη περιέργεια φέτος ήταν το γεγονός ότι είχαμε πολύ λίγα γιαπωνέζικα σκαθάρια. Αυτό θα μπορούσε να οφείλεται στο ότι ήταν μια εξαιρετικά υγρή χρονιά, αλλά είναι ενδιαφέρον να σημειωθεί ότι τα σκαθάρια και οι βομβίνοι διαχειμάζουν και οι δύο υπόγεια.
Επίσης, όταν επισκέφτηκα τους γονείς μου τον Σεπτέμβριο στο Κόνκορντ της Μασαχουσέτης, η μητέρα μου έδειξε πώς όλες οι βελανιδιές είχαν σκούρα σημεία πάνω τους. Όλα τα φύλλα των δέντρων μας έχουν τα ίδια σημεία εδώ στο νότιο Βερμόντ και ειδικά στην οξιά και τις τρεμούλες.
Φύτεψα τα πρώτα μας φυτά μούρων το 2014, οπότε δεν έχω μεγάλη προσωπική εμπειρία από την ιδιοκτησία και τη λειτουργία μιας φάρμας, αλλά ελπίζω να συνεχίσω τις παρατηρήσεις μου και να σχεδιάσω να αναδημιουργήσω αυτό το πείραμα με σήτα αλουμινίου που έκανε η Katie Haggerty, εκτός από τα μαύρα φραγκοστάφυλα.»
Μια φυσιοδίφης στην Ελλάδα, η Νταϊάνα Κόρδας, έγραψε τον Οκτώβριο από το νησί της Σάμου στην ανατολική Μεσόγειο: «Μένω στη χώρα λίγα χιλιόμετρα από την πρωτεύουσα της Σάμου, το Βαθύ, που βρίσκεται στην άκρη ενός μεγάλου κόλπου και απέναντι από το τουριστικό χωριό Κοκκάρι.
Τον Ιούλιο αυτού του καλοκαιριού του 2021, ένας πιλοτικός πύργος κινητής τηλεφωνίας 5G ενεργοποιήθηκε πάνω από το Κοκκάρι. Αυτός ο πύργος κυττάρων βρίσκεται απέναντι από τον κόλπο από εμάς, ένα από τα δύο πάνελ του δείχνει κατευθείαν προς εμάς και βρίσκεται στο ίδιο ύψος πάνω από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας με την ιδιοκτησία μας. Απέχει περίπου 6 χιλιόμετρα.
«Όπου ζούμε, περιβαλλόμαστε από πύργους και ενισχυτές κινητής τηλεφωνίας (14 συνολικά) που λειτουργούν σε συχνότητες 2G, 3G και 4G. Υπάρχει σταδιακή μείωση της ζωής των εντόμων και των πτηνών τα τελευταία χρόνια, ειδικά από το 2014, όταν ήρθε εδώ το 4G.
Πολλά είδη επηρεάζονται. χάσαμε την τελευταία από τις πυγολαμπίδες (είχαμε πολλές) πριν από δύο καλοκαίρια. Έχουν περάσει χρόνια από τότε που είχαμε πιτσιλιστεί ένα σφάλμα στο παρμπρίζ του αυτοκινήτου καθώς οδηγούσαμε.
Αλλά από τότε που τέθηκε σε λειτουργία αυτός ο πύργος κινητής τηλεφωνίας 5G στον κόλπο, έχουμε χάσει σχεδόν όλους τους επικονιαστές και πολύ περισσότερους επιπλέον.
«Στις αρχές του καλοκαιριού είχαμε πολλούς επικονιαστές: βομβίλους, μέλισσες, πολλά είδη άγριων μελισσών, ξυλουργές, σφήκες όλων των ειδών και μύγες. Τείνουμε να τα παρατηρούμε καθώς καλλιεργούμε όλα τα δικά μας φρούτα και λαχανικά.
Οι καλλιέργειές μας στις αρχές του καλοκαιριού επικονιάστηκαν χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα, αλλά τα πεπόνια, οι ντομάτες και τα κολοκυθάκια (κολοκυθάκια) που φυτέψαμε στις αρχές Ιουλίου, παρήγαγαν πολύ λίγους καρπούς καθώς δεν είχαν πολλούς επικονιαστές αν και υπήρχαν πολλά άνθη.
Ούτε ένα κολοκυθάκι δεν έχει επικονιαστεί και οι ντομάτες παρήγαγαν μόνο 3 καρπούς. Τα πεπόνια (όχι τόσα όσα θα περιμέναμε) φαίνεται να έχουν επικονιαστεί από μικροσκοπικές νυχτοπεταλούδες.
«Διαθέτουμε τρεισήμισι στρέμματα γης, που είναι μεγάλη περιουσία για το νησί. Έχει πολλά μεγάλα δέντρα (πεύκα, κυπαρίσσια, χαρουπιές, άγρια φιστικιά, ελιές, αμυγδαλιές και ένα άλσος με εξαιρετικά σπάνια μαστιχόδεντρα) και μερικά οπωροφόρα δέντρα (βερικοκιές, δαμασκηνιές και αχλαδιές) καθώς και χωράφια με χόρτα και άγρια φυτά.
Πρέπει να σημειώσω εδώ ότι δεν χρησιμοποιούμε φυτοφάρμακα κανενός είδους και δεν έχουμε γειτονικούς γείτονες που να χρησιμοποιούν φυτοφάρμακα. Επίσης, το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της γης που μας περιβάλλει είναι άγριο τόσο πάνω στο βουνό όσο και μέχρι τη θάλασσα.
Η δική μας γη δεν είχε ποτέ φυτοφάρμακα και θα έλεγα ότι το ίδιο ισχύει πιθανότατα για το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της γης γύρω μας. Αυτό ΔΕΝ είναι πρόβλημα φυτοφαρμάκων.
«Διατηρούμε επίσης τη γη μας όσο το δυνατόν πιο άγρια, και εκτός από τα αγροτεμάχια που καλλιεργούμε, επιτρέπεται να αναπτυχθούν ελεύθερα τα άγρια φυτά: χόρτα, λουλούδια (πολλές ορχιδέες) και πολύ άγριο μάραθο. Υπάρχουν πολλοί θάμνοι και φράχτες (δεν ξέρω τα αγγλικά ονόματα αυτών των φυτών). Πολλά από τα δέντρα είναι ηλικίας άνω των 100 ετών και μερικά από τα κυπαρίσσια είναι άνω των 300 ετών.
«Κατά τη φύτευση τείνουμε να αλληλοκαλλιεργούμε και επίσης φυτεύουμε ανθισμένους βασιλικούς και ζίννιες, που προσελκύουν τους επικονιαστές, μεταξύ των άλλων φυτών. Βάζουμε και πιατάκια με νερό για να πιουν – οι μέλισσες διψούν.
Συνήθως παίρνουμε πολλές μέλισσες, πεταλούδες, αιωρόμυγες, σφήκες κ.λπ., πολλών ειδών, και μέχρι πρόσφατα είχαμε πολλούς επικονιαστές. Η παρακμή ξεκίνησε τον Ιούλιο όταν ο πύργος τέθηκε σε λειτουργία.
«Οι μέλισσες και οι άλλοι επικονιαστές, και μάλιστα τα περισσότερα έντομα, έχουν σχεδόν εξαφανιστεί. Το γνωρίζουμε αυτό για πολλούς λόγους: ένας είναι αυτό που βλέπουμε (ή δεν βλέπουμε) στα κρεβάτια λαχανικών, ένας είναι αυτό που βλέπουμε γενικά (ή δεν βλέπουμε, που δεν είναι σχεδόν τίποτα) και ο πιο σημαντικός είναι αυτό που δεν είμαστε βλέποντας στις χαρουπιές.
Κάθε χρόνο αυτή την εποχή, τα αρσενικά χαρούπια ανθίζουν άφθονα και προσελκύουν εκατοντάδες επικονιαστές: μέλισσες όλων των ειδών, σφήκες, σφήκες και μύγες.
Δεν μπορείτε να πάτε πουθενά κοντά σε αυτά τα δέντρα χωρίς να γνωρίζετε ένα δυνατό βουητό και τα έντομα είναι απασχολημένα με αυτά όλη μέρα.
Αυτά τα δέντρα ανθίζουν για περίπου ένα μήνα, είναι σε πλήρη άνθηση, και μέχρι σήμερα δεν έχει σχεδόν τίποτα πάνω τους: μια μέλισσα, μια μέλισσα, μερικές σφήκες, μερικές μύγες διαφορετικών ειδών, μερικές μικροσκοπικές άγριες μέλισσες. Ελέγχουμε πολλές φορές την ημέρα, κάθε μέρα.
«Ούτε αυτό οφείλεται στον καιρό. Από τότε που οι χαρουπιές άνθισαν, είχαμε μια ποικιλία καιρικών μοτίβων, από ισχυρούς βόρειους ανέμους έως αρκετά δυνατούς νότιους ανέμους, διάσπαρτες με πολλές ακίνητες ημέρες.
Μια φορά έχει βρέξει. Οι θερμοκρασίες είναι περίπου μέσες για την εποχή του χρόνου. Άνεμος ή καθόλου αέρας, ζεστός ή δροσερός, ουσιαστικά δεν υπάρχουν επικονιαστές στα χαρούπια.
«Μια μέρα ελέγξαμε επίσης για μέλισσες σε κάθε αρσενικό χαρούπι που μπορούσαμε να βρούμε από εδώ και στο Κοκκάρι, και δεν μπορέσαμε να βρούμε κανένα έντομο σε κανένα άλλο ανθισμένο χαρούπι – ή καθόλου έντομο, εκτός από μερικές μύγες.«Τα ανθισμένα χαρούπια είναι ένας καλός δείκτης επικονιαστών επειδή προσελκύουν τόσους πολλούς.
Ορισμένα φυτά είναι καλά για αυτό, όπως η χαρά του ταξιδιώτη/το νύχι της γάτας, ένα αγκαθωτό κλήμα αναρρίχησης που έχει πολύ γλυκά λουλούδια και ανθίζει αυτή την εποχή (δεν έχουμε δει ούτε επικονιαστές πάνω τους) και λουλούδια κρεμμυδιού, που θα προσελκύσουν κάθε είδος σφήκας και σφήκας υπάρχει (αλλά όχι μέλισσες).
Αυτή τη στιγμή δεν έχουμε λουλούδια κρεμμυδιού, αλλά σε προηγούμενες περιπτώσεις που είχαμε, είχαμε μεγάλους αριθμούς σφήκες και σφήκες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων πολλών ειδών που δεν αναγνωρίσαμε.
«Στη γη μας, καθώς το γράφω αυτό, χάσαμε όχι μόνο μέλισσες, αλλά και κάθε είδους άλλα έντομα: σκαθάρια όλων των ειδών, συμπεριλαμβανομένων κοκοφοίνικα και πασχαλίτσες, αράχνες που περιστρέφονται ιστούς, μαντίλες, σκώρους και πεταλούδες (πάντα έχουμε μεγάλα σύννεφα γκριζόλ στα πεύκα τον Ιούλιο-Αύγουστο, αλλά σχεδόν καθόλου φέτος), λιβελλούλες κάθε λογής, ακρίδες και γρύλους.
Ο Οκτώβριος είναι η εποχή για τις λιβελλούλες, και αυτή τη στιγμή έχουμε τον ζεστό, ήσυχο καιρό όταν φτάνουν σε χιλιάδες.Φέτος έχουμε ίσως το 1/100ο του συνηθισμένου αριθμού. Έχουμε λίγους σφήκες (όχι σχεδόν τόσους όπως συνήθως), αλογόμυγες (λιγότερες από το συνηθισμένο) και μύγες (που φαίνεται από όλα τα έντομα να επηρεάζονται λιγότερο).
«Έχουμε ακόμα κουνούπια, αλλά πιστεύω ότι ο λόγος για αυτό είναι ότι αναπαράγονται στη στέρνα μας, η οποία έχει πέτρινους τοίχους πάχους δύο πόδια και τσιμεντένια οροφή — προστατεύεται από ηλεκτρομαγνητικά πεδία. Τα κουνούπια μπαίνουν μέσα από τον σωλήνα υπερχείλισης και τα μικροσκοπικά κενά στις πέτρες που καλύπτουν τις οπές αποστράγγισης.
Ο γείτονάς μας, ο οποίος έχει μια στέρνα με ανοιχτή κορυφή, είχε χιλιάδες προνύμφες κουνουπιών στο νερό (και μεγάλο πρόβλημα με τα κουνούπια) νωρίτερα το καλοκαίρι, τώρα δεν έχει κουνούπια. Έλεγξα και δεν υπάρχουν πια προνύμφες στο νερό της στέρνας του.
«Μπορώ μόνο να σκεφτώ ότι ο πύργος κινητής τηλεφωνίας 5G έχει προκαλέσει αυτά τα πράγματα, γιατί τίποτα άλλο δεν ευθύνεται για την ξαφνική, σοβαρή πτώση του αριθμού των εντόμων εδώ. Ο πύργος τέθηκε σε λειτουργία τον Ιούλιο και οι απώλειες που βλέπουμε έχουν συμβεί από τον Ιούλιο.
Πιστεύω επίσης ότι παρατηρούμε μείωση του αριθμού των μικρών τρωκτικών: αρουραίων, ποντικών και βολβών. Δεν χάνουμε φρούτα και λαχανικά από ποντίκια ή αρουραίους, κάτι που το κάνουμε πάντα.
Επίσης, σε μια άγρια γη όπως αυτή, κάποιος τείνει να βρει ίχνη τους, ή να πιάσει ουρές να σβήνουν στη δέσμη μιας δάδας τη νύχτα ή να τις ακούσει (οι αρουραίοι των δέντρων μπορεί να είναι αρκετά θορυβώδεις) και φαίνεται και αυτοί έχουν φύγει ή πηγαίνουν. Ο γείτονάς μου βρίσκει συνέχεια νεκρούς αρουραίους, ωστόσο δεν τους δηλητηριάζει ποτέ, ώστε να μην πέθαναν από αυτό.
«Βλέπουμε επίσης αλλαγές στη συμπεριφορά των ζώων. Ταΐζουμε μια σειρά από χρυσά τσακάλια που αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα στο κυνήγι λόγω έλλειψης άγριας ζωής στην περιοχή.
Ο κόλπος της Σάμου περιβάλλεται/είμαστε ήδη περικυκλωμένος από πολλούς πύργους και ενισχυτές κινητής τηλεφωνίας, επιπλέον του νέου πύργου κινητής τηλεφωνίας 5G και η άγρια ζωή, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εντόμων και των πτηνών, μειώνεται εδώ και χρόνια.
Ωστόσο, τις τελευταίες εβδομάδες ο αριθμός των τσακαλιών που έρχονται σε εμάς έχει τριπλασιαστεί και παρουσιάζουν συμπτώματα ακραίου άγχους, ακολουθώντας μας τα βράδια και τώρα άρχισαν να εμφανίζονται και κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας (είναι κυρίως νυχτερινά).
Αυτά είναι άγρια ζώα που δεν τα αντιμετωπίζουμε ως κατοικίδια, αλλά μερικά από αυτά γίνονται θετικά προσκολλημένα, πλησιάζουν σε απόσταση λίγων μέτρων και κάθονται για χρονικά διαστήματα λίγα μόλις μέτρα μακριά. Κάποια από αυτά, που πριν δεν ήταν επιθετικά, έχουν αρχίσει να γίνονται πολύ επιθετικά με άλλα τσακάλια και πάντα ξεσπούν καβγάδες.
«Η περιοχή αντιμετωπίζει προβλήματα και με αγριογούρουνα, τα οποία επίσης αναζητούν τροφή.
Είχαμε αρκετές πολύ στενές συναντήσεις με αυτά τα μεγάλα και επικίνδυνα ζώα (τα οποία εμφανίζονται επίσης σε στιγμές που δεν θα έπρεπε, πριν από τη δύση του ηλίου) και σκάβουν μεγάλα τμήματα της γης μας τη νύχτα. Χρεώθηκα από έναν και το ίδιο και ο άντρας μου.
Πολλοί άνθρωποι τα βλέπουν τη μέρα και έχουν σκάψει κήπους, άλση και τις πλευρές του δρόμου. Αυτό δεν έχει ξαναγίνει.
«Ο αριθμός των πουλιών μειώνεται. Έχουμε ακόμα αρκετά μεγάλους αριθμούς από μεγάλα βυζιά και τσούχτρες της Σαρδηνίας, που τείνουν να κολλούν στο βαθύ κάλυμμα των χοντρού φράχτες και των μεγάλων δέντρων, αλλά έχουμε χάσει όλα τα τσιφούλια και τις τσούχτρες.
Έχουμε μερικά κοτσύφια, αλλά έχουμε πολύ καιρό να δούμε έναν σάχυρα ή ένα τσίχλα. Οι κοκκινολαίμηδες δεν έχουν φτάσει από βορειότερα, αν και θα έπρεπε να έχουν φτάσει μέχρι τώρα.Έχουμε ένα ζευγάρι καστανόξανθες κουκουβάγιες αλλά οι μικρές κουκουβάγιες έχουν εξαφανιστεί.
Παίρνουμε τζάι και κοράκια, λίγα περιστέρια με λαιμόκοψη (που λιγοστεύουν) και ξυλοπεριστέρια, που έχουν γίνει λίγα τον τελευταίο καιρό. Οι αριθμοί των γλάρων (γλάροι με κιτρινόποδα) πέφτουν και οι σαγιονάρες που ήταν πάντα στην παραλία κάτω από τη γη μας έχουν εξαφανιστεί εντελώς.
Έχουμε λιγότερα αρπακτικά — συνήθως έχουμε σπουργίτια, γεράκια της Ελεονώρας, γκοσάγκους, καρακάξες και κοντοαετούς, αλλά αποφεύγουν αυτήν την περιοχή τώρα αν και τα βλέπουμε αλλού, καθώς και κοράκια.
«Δεν έχουμε δει ουσιαστικά κανένα μεταναστευτικό πουλί σε αυτήν την περιοχή αυτό το φθινόπωρο: μερικά μυγοπαγίδες, μερικές κόκκινες γρίλιες και ένα κοπάδι Μικροί Γλάροι που πετούν στη θάλασσα είναι όλα. Ακούσαμε αλλά δεν είδαμε ένα κοπάδι μελισσοφάγων, που δεν σταμάτησε εδώ όπως συνήθως.
«Συμπερασματικά, οι πύργοι κυττάρων γενικά έχουν μειώσει τον αριθμό των εντόμων και των επικονιαστών σε αυτήν την περιοχή, μαζί με τον αριθμό των πτηνών και την άγρια ζωή γενικά. Ο νέος πύργος κινητής τηλεφωνίας 5G είχε καταστροφικές συνέπειες σε πολύ σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα, αλλά είναι αδύνατο να γνωρίζουμε τις πλήρεις συνέπειες μέχρι την επόμενη άνοιξη το νωρίτερο».
Όσοι από εσάς θυμάστε παρμπρίζ αυτοκινήτων πασπαλισμένα με έντομα, κήπους φλεγόμενους από πεταλούδες και βουή με μέλισσες, δυνατά ρεφρέν με γρύλους στη στεριά και βατράχια σε λιμνούλες και πυκνά κοπάδια ωδικών πτηνών που τραγουδούν τη χαρά τους για τη ζωή, θα καταλάβετε τι μιλάω να πω.
Τα κινητά τηλέφωνα δεν είναι εδώ για να μείνουν. Το αν οι άνθρωποι θα τα παρατήσουν πρόθυμα είναι ένα άλλο ερώτημα. Εάν οι άνθρωποι δεν είναι πρόθυμοι να εγκαταλείψουν τα κινητά τηλέφωνα, τότε ο πλανήτης μας δεν έχει πολύ χρόνο ζωής και τα κινητά τηλέφωνα θα πεθάνουν μαζί με τη Γη.
Τελευταία μηνύματα
November 9, 2007
Jesus said: “My people, your cell towers are proliferating all over your nation and other nations as well. Many people are wanting the convenience of using their cell phone to call anyone at anytime for a nominal fee. What people do not realize is that this wireless cell phone system is flooding your airways with much microwave pollution and endangering users with microwave damage to their brains, and possible damage to nature's insects. All of the new smart cards and satellite chips will use these same cell towers for buying and selling whether in cards or eventually in the body. It is thechips in the body that you should refuse to take at all costs. These chips in the body will control people with voices and the people will be like robots and not remember what they did. The Antichrist will abuse people with these chips as he will have his brief reign. Avoid using these chips and cell phones so the evil ones cannot track your movements. The days for this evil takeover are coming quickly and My faithful need to prepare to leave for My REFUGES of protection. Call on My help and that of My angels to protect your souls and your bodies from these evil ones.”
December 26, 2007
Jesus said: “My people, when you believe in Me and follow My Commandments, you will always be faced with persecution. The world and the body loves comforts and pleasures that can be unlawful. The spirit of the soul searches for the love of its Creator, and to follow My Will. This is why even in each person there is a battle going on between the spirit and the flesh. The devil has prodded people to start wars for profit and for gain in property. Do not be misled, but search for the truth and eternal life instead of following anything of the world which is temporary and passing away. Those, who come to Me in faith, will be set free of their sins when they ask for My forgiveness. Be satisfied with your lot in this life because you are seeking to be with Me in heaven in the next life after death. Spread the peace and joy of My Gospel message of love to all nations, as you strive to save souls from going to hell. Repent now, for now is the acceptable time to be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are masters of deceit and they have created many deliberate atrocities in order to stir up people into fighting a war. They profit from selling arms to both sides and they make money from your taxpayers on the interest from your war debts. These are some of their slogans: Remember the Maine, Remember the Alamo, Remember the Luisitania, Remember Pearl Harbor, and Remember the Twin Towers. All of these wars were planned and contrived by these same evil men. I am WARNING you about this now, because you are about to see another made up reason for war which could trigger the very martial law that they want to declare for their takeover. When you see such an event, you should be prepared to call on My protection with My angels, and be ready to leave for safety at My REFUGES.”
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Jesus said: “My people, in the not too distant future the one world people will use their cell towers and satellites to test if every person has a chip on their person. If their readers return a search with 'No ID found' they will single out that person for capture at a detention center. This is why eventually My people will need to seek out My REFUGES where My angels will make you invisible to their means of detection. Trust in My power, which is greater than the demons, and I will protect you and provide for your needs.”
Τελευταία μηνύματα
Jesus said: “My people, your cell TOWERS emit microwaves with varying intensities, and they are affecting the birds and animals in your environment. You love your wi-fi connections, but you are paying a price in your health just to receive phone calls and your streaming TV programs. Those people, who live close to cell TOWERS are at risk for causing cancer, and your 5G TOWERS emit one hundred times as much radiation as your 4G TOWERS. Now some people are considering having 6G which is even a stronger microwave. They claim the 5G is interfering with airplane pilot communications. Each increase in the next cell tower strength, further pollutes your air waves, and it has an effect on your body and other animals. Stay away from your cell TOWERS as much as you can.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that the 5G TOWERS are releasing 100 times more radiation than the older 4G TOWERS. Now you are hearing of a new 6G tower that again will send out even more radiation than the 5G TOWERS. This increased radiation will release the marburg bleeding disease that will affect the nano particles in the Covid shots that people received. I have warned people many times not to take any Covid shots for any reason. You can heal the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water. I again will call My faithful to My refuges to avoid any pandemic virus and for protection from the radiation of the 5G or 6G TOWERS. Trust in Me to heal those people who have faith in My healing power.”
May 5, 2022
My people, President Trump gave you three new Supreme Court justices that has changed the make-up of the Supreme Court that is ready to overturn the Roe v Wade decision. The Democrat left has been supporting abortion and they are mad that they cannot control the Supreme Court. My faithful have been praying Saturday mornings at Planned Parenthood for abortion to be stopped. You have marched many times in Washington, D.C. on many cold January days to fight to save the babies from being aborted. Killing babies in the womb is a mortal sin, and it is not lawful against My Fifth Commandment. Finally, you will see a partial justice in the Republican red states when abortions will be restricted or stopped completely. You remember when New York State made abortion legal and they cheered in the Legislature and put pink lights in your TOWERS. You will see a punishment come on your state for such action against My babies. Stay true to your fight to protect the innocent babies in the womb with your prayer efforts. I will reward those people who fight for life, but those people, who favor killing babies in the womb, will face My severe justice if they do not repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you how the one world people are preparing for one of their conferences to make a world treaty by the WHO to control all of the people of the world using the cell TOWERS, satellites, and the chips in the body. Even the graphene oxide in the Covid shots is being used to control people’s minds with the 5G signals from the 5G cell TOWERS. The 5G radiation is combining with the graphene oxide to cause worse sicknesses than the Covid virus alone. Refuse to take the Covid shots or any boosters because they will deplete your immune system, and you could die from pneumonia or the flu. Use your Good Friday oil to pray over the vaccinated people, or for any other healing.”
Τελευταία μηνύματα
Jesus said: “My people, the new 5G microwave TOWERS are about 100 times stronger in the emf radiation. This can be used to combine with the graphene oxide from the Covid shots that could possible control people’s behavior because the nano particles are like electrical receivers for the 5G signal. Various diseases could be sent to the people with the Covid shots. Use your Good Friday oil and exorcism water to bless the vaccinated people.”
November 18, 2021
Jesus said: “My people, today you have communication with your cell phones and your cell TOWERS. At My refuges life will be a lot different where your cell phones will not work. My angels communicate using mind thoughts without using physical means. You can use your guardian angels to share their means of communication. Some of your members will travel by bi-location to communicate with other refuges. Trust in Me that you will be thankful for My refuge protection with My angels. You will be more thankful when I bring you into My Era of Peace where there will be no more evil influence from the demons. I love you so much, and I want you to stay close to Me throughout the tribulation in your daily Holy Communion. You will have great joy in this new heavens and new earth, and you will later see Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of your cable lines that are using fiber optic lines that can send and receive. This gives your cable people the capability of hearing and possibly seeing people near your TV. There is similar technology in your cell phones, so people could track you from your phone wherever you travel. This is one of the reasons that you have not chosen to have your personal cell phone. There is a convenience of being able to phone somebody from your cell phone and receive calls, but it has a price that you are being tracked from your cell TOWERS and satellites. When you come to My refuges, you will get rid of your cell phones and any other tracking devices because they will not work at your refuges. This is My protection from the evil ones at My refuges. Trust in Me to lead you to the nearest refuge at the proper time.”
Saturday, September 11, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people were instrumental in taking down the TWO TRADE TOWERS AND BUILDING 7 THAT WAS NOT HIT BY THE PLANES. This was a traitorous act that killed so many innocent people, and the dust harmed even more people. You pray for their souls and the families who mourned the loss of their loved ones. These are the same evil ones who are trying to reduce the population with their man-made viruses and toxic Covid shots that they are using to kill people. You know they are evil by their evil actions, and they are like the rotten tree that bears rotten fruit. My good people, who follow Me and avoid these Covid shots, are the good trees that bear good fruit in their actions of worshiping Me and doing good deeds for their neighbor. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges, when they will try to kill you.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been using your new EMF (electromagnetic field) reader to see what sources of EMF could be affecting you. Your wi-fi router and your solar inverters gave off the most radiation in your house. You used your meter outside in all directions and you did not see any strong signals from your cell TOWERS. You can turn off your router at night. You purchased a Blushield Cube that covers 5G radiation. This device sends out a good wave of a signal that drowns out any bad EMF. I will protect your bodies from any 5G radiation.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have done your research on the 5G radiation from your cell phone TOWERS. You are also seeing that your WiFi routers in your house are putting out some high EMF readings by your new EMF reader. You could go back to your hard wire internet connections to cut down on this EMF radiation, or at least turn the router off when you are not using it. Your new Blushield Cube device will help cut down the effects of EMF on your body, once you install it. Trust in Me to protect you from these harmful radiations.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήI then saw a 5G tower. Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another message on 5G radiation and how bad this EMF (Electromagnetic field) radiation is to your body. The 5G microwaves give out ten times the amount of EMF radiation than the old 4G microwaves. You have seen some articles that the 5G radiation enhances the connection with the iron oxide particles of the vaccines that can cause more severe sickness with the Covid-19 virus. You might want to do some research on the EMF shields that you heard about, and possibly see if you can find a device that measures EMF radiation. You know you have some 5G TOWERS around you, but you do not know what effect this 5G radiation is having on your body right now. This is why I want you to inform your prayer group of your findings. I will lead you to find the right answers, and if you should get this protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, these new 5G TOWERS are spreading a lot more radiation than the previous 4G TOWERS. If you can, try to live away from such TOWERS. If you can adjust your phone to only receive 4G signals, it would be less microwave radiation coming from your phone. If you can still use 4G signals, then do not buy or use the 5G capability of your phones. More radiation from microwaves could cause more potential to get cancer. Pray that these 5G systems do not cause more cancer from this radiation.”
N.B. You can protect yourself from emf radiation using Blushield products at www.blushield-us.com
Friday, September 11, 2020: (Vincent Poche Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, I call many people to share their faith with others, and a few people I give special missions to share messages with My faithful. I have been sending messages of warning and preparation for a time of the coming tribulation. You have been seeing some difficulties with the corona virus and the communist mobs who are threatening to take over your government. Picture your life under more restrictions and even a possible threat to your life when your country is eventually taken over. I have given missions of having refuges to a few people, and you, My son, have been obedient to carrying out My suggestions for your refuge. Because the evil ones will have more influence on your lives, you will need My angels to protect you. You are remembering all the people who died in the Twin TOWERS plane crash on 9-11-01. This was a false flag destruction that was brought upon your people by the deep state. Now the deep state is using viruses and chemtrails to reduce the population as their goal. The sickness and plagues coming, will take even more lives. So be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I give you My inner locution. Do not take any vaccine or flu shots that could damage your IMMUNE SYSTEM. Even avoid getting virus tests if you can postpone medical procedures. There are many false positive tests that could separate you from your loved ones with your quarantine controls. Pray for My help and protection during these next dangerous events.”
Jesus said: “My people, it was bad enough that your Governor and the New York Legislature passed an abortion law to insure abortions will not be stopped. Now to glorify this legislation’s passing, your Governor has put a pink light on top of your Freedom Tower. I have told you before how this Tower will come tumbling down because you are defying Me in rebuilding the previous TOWERS. Now with this latest act of glorifying abortion with this pink light, your whole state will suffer from My justice. I will spare My faithful, but those people who support abortion will pay dearly for their actions that mock Me.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήTwin Tower anniversary 2001)
Jesus said: “My people, in 2001 on this day, you saw the terrorist take down the Twin TOWERS which represented the wealth of your country. Many people were killed, and still more are dying of cancer from the dust of the TOWERS. Out of your pride, you built the Freedom Tower to defy the terrorists. Your original Twin TOWERS WERE DESTROYED WHERE GEORGE WASHINGTON CONSECRATED YOUR COUNTRY TO ME. THIS WAS A PUNISHMENT FOR YOUR ABORTIONS AND SEXUAL SINS. When you rebuilt the Freedom Tower, you did not repent or change your evil ways. Instead, this is a defiance of My judgment on America. So this tower will be taken down also for building it in defiance of Me. In addition to the destruction of this tower, you will be seeing more punishments from natural disasters. Your hurricanes are an example of this destruction. Pray for your country to stop your abortions, and your evil lifestyles, or you will be brought to your knees before Me.”
Monday, July 30, 2018Jesus said: “My people, in places where you have electric and power lines hanging on poles, they are vulnerable to heavy storms as tornadoes, lightning, or hurricanes. In the vision you could see such a storm knock down all the power lines. When your power is cut or turned off, it causes a loss of communication, and it could cause your banks to make paper transactions. Your cell TOWERS could also get knocked down, and your cell phones would not work. WHEN YOU LOSE YOUR ELECTRICITY AND CELL PHONES, YOU NEED SOME BACK UP GENERATORS OR BATTERIES TO RUN YOUR EQUIPMENT. YOUR PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE SOME BACK UP PLANS WHEN YOU LOSE YOUR ELECTRICITY. Having solar power is a good plan. Even if your grid goes down, you can recharge your batteries with sunlight. My refuge builders need to have some solar power, even for some lights and power for your pumps. Trust in Me to provide for your needs through all the seasons, including winter.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision another example of man’s pride. Some people boasted about the Titanic: ‘Not even God Himself could sink this ship’. Little did the builders know that the Titanic would sink on its maiden voyage. WHEN MAN OPENLY DEFIES ME THAT I COULD NOT SINK THIS SHIP, HE IS CALLING DOWN MY JUSTICE UPON THIS SHIP. YOU KNOW THE HISTORY OF THE SINKING OF THE TITANIC BY AN ICEBERG. There is another challenge by the people of America when I allowed the destruction of your Twin TOWERS in New York City. This was a terrorist attack, but it was planned in advance when your buildings were taken down for a financial profit from the insurance. Your leaders spoke out to rebuild these buildings, but it was in defiance of My judgment that this was done. Even the words are put on the Freedom Tower by your previous President: ‘We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger.’ Because you built this Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment, you will see its collapse, as it will be destroyed again. When you openly defy Me as with the Tower of Babel, the Titanic, and the Freedom Tower, you are calling down My judgment upon you. Be prepared for such a destruction of your man-made tower that you have made into an idol. I love your people, but you will be chastised for your abortions and your sexual sins.”
January 28, 2022
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, the new 5G microwave TOWERS are about 100 times stronger in the emf radiation. This can be used to combine with the graphene oxide from the Covid shots that could possible control people’s behavior because the nano particles are like electrical receivers for the 5G signal. Various diseases could be sent to the people with the Covid shots. Use your Good Friday oil and exorcism water to bless the VACCINATED PEOPLE.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been using your new EMF (electromagnetic field) reader to see what sources of EMF could be affecting you. Your wi-fi router and your solar inverters gave off the most radiation in your house. You used your meter outside in all directions and you did not see any strong signals from your cell TOWERS. You can turn off your router at night. You purchased a Blushield Cube that covers 5G radiation. This device sends out a good wave of a signal that drowns out any bad EMF. I will protect your bodies from any 5G radiation.”
Monday, January 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the corona virus from China causing several pharmaceutical companies to come up with nano particle vaccines which are really not needed, because most of the people, who get the virus, only get mild cases. Because this virus has an HIV component, it is contagious the whole year round, even in the summer. Some of the deaths being reported for the covid-19 are from other causes, so the death numbers are inflated. Refuse to take the virus vaccine. There will be more virus attacks, and those people, who receive this vaccine, will contaminate more people with the new virus because of the radiation from the 5G microwaves. The virus and vaccines are a plan by the evil one world people to reduce the population of the whole world. If there is a war, or a more deadly virus, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any disease.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for many months not to take this nano vaccine because people could control you through 5G microwaves and destroy your IMMUNE SYSTEM. Refuse any chips in the body as well. These are the means that the Antichrist will use to control the people. Those people, who take the vaccine, could eventually infect other people with future viruses that will be spread to reduce the population. When you are at My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any sickness. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and multiply what you need at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been using your new EMF (electromagnetic field) reader to see what sources of EMF could be affecting you. Your wi-fi router and your solar inverters gave off the most radiation in your house. You used your meter outside in all directions and you did not see any strong signals from your cell TOWERS. You can turn off your router at night. You purchased a Blushield Cube that covers 5G radiation. This device sends out a good wave of a signal that drowns out any bad EMF. I will protect your bodies from any 5G radiation.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMonday, January 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the corona virus from China causing several pharmaceutical companies to come up with nano particle vaccines which are really not needed, because most of the people, who get the virus, only get mild cases. Because this virus has an HIV component, it is contagious the whole year round, even in the summer. Some of the deaths being reported for the covid-19 are from other causes, so the death numbers are inflated. Refuse to take the virus vaccine. There will be more virus attacks, and those people, who receive this vaccine, will contaminate more people with the new virus because of the radiation from the 5G microwaves. The virus and vaccines are a plan by the evil one world people to reduce the population of the whole world. If there is a war, or a more deadly virus, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any disease.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for many months not to take this nano vaccine because people could control you through 5G microwaves and destroy your IMMUNE SYSTEM. Refuse any chips in the body as well. These are the means that the Antichrist will use to control the people. Those people, who take the vaccine, could eventually infect other people with future viruses that will be spread to reduce the population. When you are at My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any sickness. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and multiply what you need at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, this control of your people by viruses and vaccines has been a plan to take over your country. The evil ones are trying to use fear to scare people into taking the nano vaccines that will change your DNA. This will control people through the cloud of your 5G internet. So refuse to take such vaccines, even if they threaten to kill you. The shutdowns will also keep My people from coming to church. You will be back to watching Mass on your internet without Holy Communion. If you are kept at home, you can still make a spiritual Communion. I keep repeating that when your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”
Wednesday, December 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are enjoying the feast of My birth, and there is joy in your hearts at My coming as an infant. You are happy to celebrate Me as your Savior, even amidst all of your virus trials. Some people are accepting the new vaccines, which I have warned you not to take. This nano technology could be used to control you through the 5G microwaves in the cloud of the internet. After My Warning and the conversion time, you are to get rid of all of your internet devices because the Antichrist will try to control you with his eyes. This is another reason not to take the vaccine, because the nano particles will be subject to control in the cloud. You are about to see many struggles over this cheating election, and how it will be settled. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”
Wednesday, December 30, 2020:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are enjoying the feast of My birth, and there is joy in your hearts at My coming as an infant. You are happy to celebrate Me as your Savior, even amidst all of your virus trials. Some people are accepting the new vaccines, which I have warned you not to take. THIS NANO TECHNOLOGY COULD BE USED TO CONTROL YOU THROUGH THE 5G MICROWAVES IN THE CLOUD OF THE INTERNET. AFTER MY WARNING AND THE CONVERSION TIME, YOU ARE TO GET RID OF ALL OF YOUR INTERNET DEVICES BECAUSE THE ANTICHRIST WILL TRY TO CONTROL YOU WITH HIS EYES. This is another reason not to take the vaccine, because THE NANO PARTICLES WILL BE SUBJECT TO CONTROL IN THE CLOUD. You are about to see many struggles over this cheating election, and how it will be settled. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that 99.5% of the people will not die from the Chinese corona virus. Yet, your media as ususal is telling people they need to take this vaccine. I have told you many times DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE, EVEN IF THE AUTHORITIES THREATEN TO KILL YOU. The nano particles will connect you by 5G microwaves to the cloud that will transmit your bio information to those people who want to control you. These vaccines will permanently change your DNA as the nano particles are like little robots going through your body. You are risking death or allergic reactions with this vaccine, SO DO NOT TAKE IT.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have a choice whether to buy or use 5G equipment that is harmful for your health. This 5G system will make people sick and they will not know the source of their sickness, but it is coming from the 5G microwave radiation. Refuse to buy and use 5G equipment so you can protect yourselves from these strong microwave devices. Pray for My protection at My refuges where cell phones will not work.”
October 6, 2020
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to understand how the deep state works because it is led by Satan. The first step is to create the problem, and China and the deep state created a new virus that continues to make people sick. Part of their goal is for total control, as with the first shutdown. Another goal is to reduce the population. You now have the framework for the next problem, because soon you will see a worse virus that will kill even more people. The next step is to create the solution. The solution will be a vaccine that people will be told that they will be healed. In fact this vaccine will be worse than the disease, and it will be combined with a chip in the body to tell if you had the vaccine. There is even a threat that the evil ones may use nano particles to cause a control of your body. This chip or nano particles will be the mark of the beast. So do not take any vaccine and do not take any chip in the body, because it will control your mind. Refuse to take any flu shot. Refuse to worship the Antichrist, and avoid taking a virus test if possible. The authorities will try and kill all of those people who do not take the vaccine and the chip in the body. Also refuse to use 5G DEVICES because the microwaves will harm your body. I mentioned before when you see a lot of people dying, you are to come to My refuges to be healed. This will be the chaos when I will bring My Warning experience. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges with My inner locution. After the conversion time, get rid of all of your cell phones, TVs, and computers. You will be safe and healed at My refuges. So follow your guardian angel to My refuges. Have no fear because I will cast all of the evil ones into hell. My faithful I will bring into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”
Monday, January 18, 2021:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are seeing the corona virus from China causing several pharmaceutical companies to come up with nano particle vaccines which are really not needed, because most of the people, who get the virus, only get mild cases. Because this virus has an HIV component, it is contagious the whole year round, even in the summer. Some of the deaths being reported for the covid-19 are from other causes, so the death numbers are inflated. Refuse to take the virus vaccine. There will be more virus attacks, and those people, who receive this vaccine, will contaminate more people with the new virus because of the radiation from the 5G microwaves. The virus and vaccines are a plan by the evil one world people to reduce the population of the whole world. If there is a war, or a more deadly virus, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any disease.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for many months not to take this nano vaccine because people could control you through 5G microwaves and destroy your IMMUNE SYSTEM. Refuse any chips in the body as well. These are the means that the Antichrist will use to control the people. Those people, who take the vaccine, could eventually infect other people with future viruses that will be spread to reduce the population. When you are at My refuges, you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any sickness. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and multiply what you need at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, this control of your people by viruses and vaccines has been a plan to take over your country. The evil ones are trying to use fear to scare people into taking the nano vaccines that will change your DNA. This will control people through the cloud of your 5G internet. So refuse to take such vaccines, even if they threaten to kill you. The shutdowns will also keep My people from coming to church. You will be back to watching Mass on your internet without Holy Communion. If you are kept at home, you can still make a spiritual Communion. I keep repeating that when your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”
Wednesday, December 30, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, you are enjoying the feast of My birth, and there is joy in your hearts at My coming as an infant. You are happy to celebrate Me as your Savior, even amidst all of your virus trials. Some people are accepting the new vaccines, which I have warned you not to take. This nano technology could be used to control you through the 5G microwaves in the cloud of the internet. After My Warning and the conversion time, you are to get rid of all of your internet devices because the Antichrist will try to control you with his eyes. This is another reason not to take the vaccine, because the nano particles will be subject to control in the cloud. You are about to see many struggles over this cheating election, and how it will be settled. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”
Wednesday, December 30, 2020:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are enjoying the feast of My birth, and there is joy in your hearts at My coming as an infant. You are happy to celebrate Me as your Savior, even amidst all of your virus trials. Some people are accepting the new vaccines, which I have warned you not to take. THIS NANO TECHNOLOGY COULD BE USED TO CONTROL YOU THROUGH THE 5G MICROWAVES IN THE CLOUD OF THE INTERNET. AFTER MY WARNING AND THE CONVERSION TIME, YOU ARE TO GET RID OF ALL OF YOUR INTERNET DEVICES BECAUSE THE ANTICHRIST WILL TRY TO CONTROL YOU WITH HIS EYES. This is another reason not to take the vaccine, because THE NANO PARTICLES WILL BE SUBJECT TO CONTROL IN THE CLOUD. You are about to see many struggles over this cheating election, and how it will be settled. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives will be threatened. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that 99.5% of the people will not die from the Chinese corona virus. Yet, your media as ususal is telling people they need to take this vaccine. I have told you many times DO NOT TAKE THIS VACCINE, EVEN IF THE AUTHORITIES THREATEN TO KILL YOU. The nano particles will connect you by 5G microwaves to the cloud that will transmit your bio information to those people who want to control you. These vaccines will permanently change your DNA as the nano particles are like little robots going through your body. You are risking death or allergic reactions with this vaccine, SO DO NOT TAKE IT.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have a choice whether to buy or use 5G equipment that is harmful for your health. This 5G system will make people sick and they will not know the source of their sickness, but it is coming from the 5G microwave radiation. Refuse to buy and use 5G equipment so you can protect yourselves from these strong microwave devices. Pray for My protection at My refuges where cell phones will not work.”
Saturday, October 3, 2020:Jesus said: “My people, I want you to understand how the deep state works because it is led by Satan. The first step is to create the problem, and China and the deep state created a new virus that continues to make people sick. Part of their goal is for total control, as with the first shutdown. Another goal is to reduce the population. You now have the framework for the next problem, because soon you will see a worse virus that will kill even more people. The next step is to create the solution. The solution will be a vaccine that people will be told that they will be healed. In fact this vaccine will be worse than the disease, and it will be combined with a chip in the body to tell if you had the vaccine. There is even a threat that the evil ones may use nano particles to cause a control of your body. This chip or nano particles will be the mark of the beast. So do not take any vaccine and do not take any chip in the body, because it will control your mind. Refuse to take any flu shot. Refuse to worship the Antichrist, and avoid taking a virus test if possible. The authorities will try and kill all of those people who do not take the vaccine and the chip in the body. Also refuse to use 5G DEVICES because the microwaves will harm your body. I mentioned before when you see a lot of people dying, you are to come to My refuges to be healed. This will be the chaos when I will bring My Warning experience. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges with My inner locution. After the conversion time, get rid of all of your cell phones, TVs, and computers. You will be safe and healed at My refuges. So follow your guardian angel to My refuges. Have no fear because I will cast all of the evil ones into hell. My faithful I will bring into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”
Τελευταία μηνύματα
Saturday, September 29, 2018: (St. Michael,St. Gabriel,St. Raphael)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήSt. Michael said: “I AM MICHAEL AND I STAND BEFORE GOD, AS I AM A LEADER OF GOD’S ANGELS. In the first reading you read how there was a great battle in heaven between those angels who wanted to serve God, and those angels like Satan, who refused to serve God. Lucifer was the brightest angel, but pride overtook him, and he would not serve God. I then cast Satan and all the evil angels down into hell on the earth. Hell is forever, and the bad angels suffer in the flames of hell, and they are now ugly looking beings. They are allowed to tempt humans into sin, if the humans so choose. I and the good angels of God are preparing for another battle with the demons and the evil people at Armageddon. The Lord and all of heaven will be victorious again against Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet. God’s power is much greater than all of the evil ones, so have no fear of them. Call on us angels to defend you when you are attacked by any evil angels. TODAY IS THE FEAST OF THE ARCHANGELS OF MYSELF, ST. MICHAEL, ST. GABRIEL, AND ST. RAPHAEL. GIVE PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD FOR ALL OF HIS CREATION. You pray my long form prayer to protect you in your travels, and to help those souls who are away from God. Keep praying this prayer of protection and deliverance because I and your guardian angel are always at your side to protect you from harm and the evil ones.”
Friday, December 30, 2022: (Holy Family)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was given a dream to take Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. The poor Holy Innocents were killed in Bethlehem by Herod. Once Herod died, St. Joseph brought us to Nazareth. The Gospel speaks of taking good care of your parents, even up into their last years. Parents took care of their children, and it is only right that the children should care for their parents in their old age. This trip to Egypt was to also fulfill a prophecy that the Redeemer would come up out of Egypt. YOU ALSO SAW RECENTLY HOW THE ANTICHRIST WAS JUST CROWNED IN EGYPT BY THE LUCIFERIANS TO FOLLOW WHAT I DID. This is another sign of the coming of the Antichrist into power, and it is not far away. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges, even as I had to go into hiding from the evil ones as well.”
Monday, November 21, 2022Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from one of your news sources that with the latest Climate Change meeting in Egypt, the Antichrist was secretly crowned by some high Luciferians. Remember how I was called up from Egypt, and so the Antichrist is also being called up from Egypt. I gave you two messages about how the Antichrist would be anointed by Luciferian priests before he will declare himself.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, absolutely refuse to take any Covid vaccine shots because they will kill you in a few years. The more shots and boosters that people take, the quicker they will die. 98% of the people have not died from the Covid virus, so there is no reason to take these deadly Covid shots. More people are dying from the Covid shots than are dying from the Covid virus. The Covid variants are not much different from the original Covid virus, and they are less deadly. PEOPLE ARE SEEING MAGNETS STICK TO THEIR ARMS BECAUSE THE EVIL ONES ARE ADDING IRON OXIDE NANO PARTICLES TO SPREAD THE SPIKE PROTEIN MANUFACTURING QUICKER TO ALL PARTS OF YOUR BODY. The evil ones behind these vaccines are purposely trying to reduce the population, and these poisonous shots are irreversible. Vaccinated people can be healed with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. If you believe in My healing power, I can heal those people who want to be healed. My healing is heaven’s answer to this evil plot of Satan that is trying to kill people. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus is released. I will give everyone one last chance to save your soul. After the six weeks of conversion following the Warning, I will call My faithful to My refuges, where you will be healed of all of your sicknesses by looking on My luminous cross. My angels will protect you throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist, and I will provide for your needs.”
Monday, April 5, 2021:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you have scoundrels who are always ruling over your people. Even after My glorious miracle of My Resurrection, the Jews paid off the soldiers to tell the people that My disciples carried off My Body while they were sleeping. The Jews did not want to admit that I rose from the dead, and I had the stone rolled back. Now, in your own time you are being run by your present day scoundrels when China, Italy, and Germany, hacked into your Dominion voting machines, and added more votes to Biden than were ever registered. You had your court judges threatened, or paid off just like the soldiers to keep quiet, and they allowed the cheating Democrats to win the Presidential election. Now you have scoundrels in your pharmaceutical companies and media pushing vaccines on you that are causing people to get sick or die from the vaccines. Any other product with such bad effects, would have been taken off the market, but there is no legal liability for the pharmaceutical companies who are killing people with their corrupted vaccines that do not kill the virus. Yet medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that actually kill the virus and heal people, are not allowed. This virus and the messenger RNA nano vaccines are being used to ruin your innate IMMUNE SYSTEMs so the evil ones can kill many people with the next virus attack. You can see the devil is behind these evil ones because they want to reduce the population as their goal. Fear not My people, because I am providing My Good Friday oil blessing to heal the vaccinated believers, and I will heal people at My refuges. Avoid taking any virus vaccines or flu shots that will ruin your IMMUNE SYSTEM.”
March 17, 2021
Monday, March 15, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in previous messages I have warned My people not to take this NANO COVID VACCINE because it could ruin your IMMUNE SYSTEM, and you could die with the next virus attack. Now you have seen this explained to you by several doctors who were making the vaccine. This new vaccine will change your body’s DNA to produce a spike protein that will make antibodies that will only kill the current Covid-19 virus. These antibodies will overpower your body’s innate immune proteins that fight other diseases, and it will destroy your IMMUNE SYSTEM. Your body will be defenseless to future corona viruses that are different than Covid-19. When new viruses come, your body could die if you took the Covid-19 vaccine. This could be a life threatening situation for all of the vaccinated people. This is why I will call My people to My refuges to be healed before the next corona virus attack comes. You will all be healed, even those people who received the Covid vaccine. Trust in Me to protect My people by looking on the luminous cross to heal them at My refuges.”
Friday, March 12, 2021:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, in the Gospel today I am reminding you of My two great Commandments to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself. You are seeing today how the devil is inspiring his subjects to kill man, because the devil hates man for taking his place in heaven. You are aware of the Death Culture which you already have, where the evil ones want to kill the unborn and have euthanasia for killing the old people. The evil ones also promote wars to kill people, even the HAARP machine has been used to kill people with severe weather and earthquakes. Now the latest evil plot is to kill millions of people using viruses and so called vaccines. Most people do not understand the scientific evil how the Chinese Communists are using bioweapon viruses to kill and control people all over the world. The other plot is how the media is putting down the real cures of this corona virus using ivermetin and hydroxychloroquine. Now the evil people are promoting vaccines that may appear to heal symptoms, but they are really ruining your IMMUNE SYSTEMs by planting the seeds of the virus in every cell of your body. Then when the next corona virus attack is spread, the vaccinated people will die when their IMMUNE SYSTEM self-destructs. Innocent people are being encouraged to take this vaccine which will kill people with the next virus attack. This is why various doctors are sounding the alarm not to take this nano vaccine. They are even forecasting that 50 million Americans will die with the next virus attack because your IMMUNE SYSTEM will overreact and you could die if you took the vaccine. I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed before the next virus attack. Those people, who are vaccinated, could be healed at My refuges as well. I will take care of My people, but you need to listen for My inner locution to leave your homes for My refuges. In any case that endangers your life, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. I love all of you and I will protect you in your need.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have a plan to try and reduce the population of the world down to 500 million people, just as they have stated at the Georgia Guidestones. Their plan is to use laboratory made viruses and vaccines to kill off millions of people. That is why they are discouraging people from using cures like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. IT IS THE NEW NANO VACCINES THAT ARE BEING PUSHED BY THE MEDIA, BECAUSE ONCE A NEW VIRUS COMES, THOSE VACCINATED PEOPLE WILL DIE WHEN THE VACCINE COMES IN CONTACT WITH ANOTHER CORONA VIRUS. This is a plan by the one world people to kill off millions of people so the Antichrist will be able to control fewer people. This is why I will call My faithful to My refuges before the next lab made corona virus is spread all over the world. Leave your homes within 20 minutes when I call you to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, as more people are taking the new NANO VIRUS VACCINES, you are hearing more reports of sickness and even death from the shots. The deep state people are trying to kill people with the vaccines. They are keeping any news of sickness and death from the vaccines out of the media with their lies. I repeat again: ‘Do not take the virus vaccine that will change your DNA and could cause sickness.’ The next deadly corona virus will combine with this vaccine and many could die. I will call all of My faithful people to My refuges where you will be healed of any virus and vaccine shot, before the next deadly virus comes.”
Jesus said: “My people, your media and the deep state are encouraging all of your people to get the experimental virus vaccines which is a bad plan. I have warned My people not to take the new nano vaccines because they will ruin your IMMUNE SYSTEM and it will change your DNA forever. Now you keep hearing more stories of how people are getting sick and some are dying after receiving these vaccines. Even though there are enough bad reactions to stop using the vaccines, they are still being promoted, and the bad people are keeping this news of bad reactions quiet. Killing people with viruses and vaccines is a plan of the one world people to reduce the population. So avoid taking the virus vaccine and avoid taking flu shots for your own good health.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, in the early treatment of covid-19 patients, many were healed using hydroxychoroquine at the right dose level. People were dying because their IMMUNE SYSTEMs overreacted to the virus and this was killing some people. Treatments of hydroxychloroquine relaxed the IMMUNE SYSTEM along with Zinc and an antibiotic which healed the patients. This treatment was even held back from patients because the one world people wanted people to be scared into taking vaccines which would later kill them. So refuse to take these nano virus vaccines because they are more deadly than the virus.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been focused on the latest fraudulent election. This is a distraction from an ongoing pandemic virus that does not kill that many people. Now, you are seeing the one world people push NANO PARTICLE VACCINES that are making people sick or even killing some people. I told you before that you will next see another virus that will be much deadlier. You did not understand that the Chinese scientists were giving you the first part of a binary virus that is purposely designed to kill many people. This second virus will react with the vaccine and could kill many people as well. I will warn My people before this deadly virus is released. I will call My believers to My refuges where you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any virus, even if you took the virus vaccine.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people pushing to have everyone get vaccinated to supposedly stop the pandemic virus. This has been hype and scare tactics to control your people. In the first place, virus vaccines are not necessary since 99.5% of the people are not dying from this virus. Even some old medicines have been used early in the disease at the right dose, and people have been cured even for bad cases. Some doctors are in collusion with the one world people by not making these medicines available to treat virus patients. The virus vaccines have actually caused worse symptoms, and even death to those people who have taken it. These poorly tested vaccines should not be forced on people in medical fields, or even any field. These nano particle vaccines will change your DNA permanently and ruin your IMMUNE SYSTEM. The fact that some people are getting sick or dying after receiving the vaccine, shows you the reason not to take the virus vaccine. So refuse to take this virus vaccine, even if people threaten to kill you, or put you in jail. This is a plan by the one world people to use viruses and vaccines to reduce the world’s population. Read the research on the internet to see this diabolical plan. If necessary, you will eventually come to My refuges for protection, and healing of these laboratory made diseases.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMonday, January 18, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the corona virus from China causing several pharmaceutical companies to come up with NANO PARTICLE VACCINES which are really not needed, because most of the people, who get the virus, only get mild cases. Because this virus has an HIV component, it is contagious the whole year round, even in the summer. Some of the deaths being reported for the covid-19 are from other causes, so the death numbers are inflated. Refuse to take the virus vaccine. There will be more virus attacks, and those people, who receive this vaccine, will contaminate more people with the new virus because of the radiation from the 5G microwaves. The virus and vaccines are a plan by the evil one world people to reduce the population of the whole world. If there is a war, or a more deadly virus, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any disease.”
Saturday, January 2, 2021: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are living amidst a pit of vipers that are trying to poison you with cheating, corruption, and even fornication. You know My Commandments of love, but you see evil people spreading viruses around you, and soon the evil ones will try to force vaccines on you. Refuse to take this new vaccine with NANO CHIPS THAT COULD CONTROL YOU, AND CHANGE YOUR DNA, even if they threaten to kill you. If the evil ones make these vaccines mandatory, I will need to call you to My refuges of protection. I am showing you this ladder to pull you out of this evil world, and this represents My haven of protection at My refuges. When you see mandatory vaccines and mandatory chips in the body, I will bring My Warning, and a call to come to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges, where you will stay throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not, because My angels will protect you, and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your media is speaking about fear of the Chinese corona virus that is lying to you about the facts. Every year there are many people who catch the flu and thousands die each year from the flu. Many doctors prescribe tamiflu to help ease the symptoms of the flu. You recently read about a pharmacist who noticed no prescriptions of tamiflu have been ordered in his area. In other words the test and cases of the corona virus are including all the flu cases that are causing deaths. Only .5% of virus cases die. The authorities are pushing the nano vaccines that are more deadly than the virus. Refuse to take this vaccine that will change your DNA and you could die or have allergic reactions. The virus and this vaccine are all part of a means to reduce the world’s population. Trust in Me because you will be healed of any virus at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, your doctors are using various means to reduce the number of deaths from this virus. The current virus is not killing that many people, but the new nano vaccines will be more deadly than this disease. THESE NANO VACCINES will attack your DNA and your IMMUNE SYSTEMs. Refuse to take these vaccines even if they threaten to kill you or lose your job. The vaccines and the China virus are a means for the deep state to reduce the population of the world. Bill Gates and the deep state leaders are behind these vaccines and they will kill many people. There also will be a more deadly virus, and the deep state will develop a more deadly vaccine that will continue to cause more dead bodies all around you, as I have shown you in previous visions. When this deadly virus is about to be spread, I will warn My people, and I will call My people to leave quickly for the protection of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, when deadly viruses come, an EMP attack, and a possible civil war comes, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. My angels will direct you to My refuges, so have no fear. The evil ones will have their hour in the coming tribulation, but I will bring My destruction down on all of the evil ones, as they will all be cast into hell. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for following My Word. So do not be concerned about what the evil ones will be doing, because My power is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are cheering to obtain a vaccine for the recent corona virus. Do not listen to the media hype, AND DO NOT TAKE ANY VIRUS VACCINE BECAUSE THE NANO TECHNOLOGY WILL RUIN YOUR DNA. The high rate of effectiveness for these vaccines is a lie, and there are many severe side effects with these vaccines. This current virus is not that deadly, so you do not need this vaccine. If they make this vaccine mandatory, then you will be called to the safety of My refuges where I will heal you and protect you.”
November 25, 2020
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThursday, November 19, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving this message to clarify that the coming mandate for a chip in the body is for buying and selling according to the Bible. You should absolutely refuse to take the chip in the body. There is also another possible mandate coming to take the virus vaccine and the flu shot. You should not take either shot because they will harm your IMMUNE SYSTEM, and they are not that effective. THE VIRUS VACCINE USES NANO TECHNOLOGY, AND THIS WILL ATTACK YOUR DNA AND THREATEN YOUR HEALTH. Not that many people are dying from only the corona virus. Your media accentuates the numbers of deaths from the corona virus because they secretly are including other means of death. When the authorities threaten your lives for not taking the chip or the shots, then I will call My faithful to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing several Democrat governors trying to shut down your activities, including discouraging your Thanksgiving dinner meetings. These governors are showing increased positive tests which have many false positives. There are more hospital cases that are more from the flu. Some deaths are up, but they are claiming many deaths that are not from covid-19. These governors are acting as dictators, but they are over reacting to the people who are sick. Soon Pfizer and Moderna will be offering vaccines for the corona virus, but do not take them. These vaccines are using NANO TECHNOLOGY that will change your DNA, and people could have bad reactions and possibly die. The 95% effectiveness is a lie, and should not be believed. With Moderna’s high dose treatment, 100% of patients had bad reactions. The deep state is using this corona virus as a means to control people and prepare them for the coming communist takeover. When shutdowns and mandatory virus vaccine and flu shots threaten your lives, I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed and protected from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the major pharmaceutical companies working hard to come up with a vaccine to cure your corona virus from China. You have also seen some of these testing trials stopped because of bad reactions. I am warning My people not to take any virus vaccine because it will be bad for your IMMUNE SYSTEM. The vaccines will HAVE NANO PARTICLES or something that will resemble the mark of the beast, which will go along with any vaccine to tell who received it or not. Also avoid taking any flu shot as well. The evil deep state has conspired with China to spread a disease that will kill many people all over the world. They created the problem, and now they will create the solution by mandating everyone to take this vaccine. The deep state wants to reduce the population of the world by using this virus and vaccine that will not heal the virus. When they make this vaccine mandatory, this will be the time to come to My refuges to be healed. I repeat again, do not take the vaccine or the flu shot, even if they threaten to kill you. Trust in Me to protect you from these evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen this CERN machine and a fusion experiment that could cause A BLACK HOLE of evil. Man is constantly experimenting with dangerous sources of power, as well as your microchips and NANO TECHNOLOGY that could control people’s minds and souls. Call on My angels to protect you from any evil forces that could control people’s minds and souls. Avoid taking any chips in the body, and AVOID BEING INFLUENCED BY EXPERIMENTS THAT USE THIS BLACK ENERGY FROM THE EVIL ONES.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are aware of how your people were being forced to get Covid shots and boosters, or they would lose their jobs. Some people have quit their jobs, or they retired early to avoid being forced to take the poisonous Covid shots. Doctors are admitting that each shot contains GRAPHENE OXIDE THAT WILL REDUCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. The first shot reduces your immune system by 30%. The second and third shots can reduce your immune system by up to 80%. When such a person is faced with the flu, many will die, especially those who have compromised health to begin with. The plan of the one world people is to use viruses and shots to purposely reduce the population. People were asking if the shots are so bad, then why are we not seeing more deaths? There are more deaths, only the media is covering up this information from the harm the shots are causing. The fact is that more people are dying between the ages of 18 and 64, when this should be the healthier part of your people. One life insurance company has reported a 40% increase in deaths over the last few quarters for this age group of 18 to 64. Some may ask what is the reason for so many deaths among the young people? You are finally seeing an increase in deaths because of the poisonous Covid shots which I have been warning people not to take. I told you that the more shots you take, the worse it would affect your health. So now this life insurance company and the frontline doctors are telling you the same threat to your lives that the poisonous Covid shots are doing to your bodies. Refuse to take these shots and refuse to use the contaminated Covid tests that are rigged to give false positive results. No job is worth killing your body. Trust in Me and your Good Friday oil to heal the vaccinated people. Your natural immunity is far better at fighting diseases than the Covid shots that do not prevent you from getting the Covid disease. Follow My instructions, or you could be one of these death statistics.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have been brain washed to believe that the Covid shots and boosters are good for you. The truth is that each shot you take with GRAPHENE OXIDE in it, is making your immune system worse to the point that any infection could kill you. After three shots you could lose up to 80% of your immune system. The left evil ones are taking a page out of the communists’ play book. If they keep telling you a lie about taking Covid shots long enough, you will begin to believe the lie. But this is not the truth no matter how many times you hear this lie, it is still a lie. Your doctors and media people, who are pushing this lie, will be punished severely for killing people, and not using ivermectin to heal people. When the truth is revealed, the Covid shot promoters will be put in jail for crimes against humanity. The evil ones will side with the Antichrist, and they will all be cast into hell in the end. My faithful believers will be healed at My refuges, and they will see My reward in My Era of Peace.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you have been hearing of sports people dying young, and some people around you are also dying after several Covid shots. You have seen people speak of the GRAPHENE OXIDE in the shots that are reducing your immune system by up to 80%. Even your insurance companies are seeing a 40% increase in deaths of those people between 18 to 64. I have warned people not to take these poisonous shots, but your companies have mandated Covid shots, or you could lose your job. This is a diabolical plan of the one world people to reduce the population. You can pray over the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil so they could be healed of any complications from the Covid shots.”
Jesus said: “My people, it has been shown by some doctors that all three Covid shots are poisons that are not necessary to take because 98% of the people do not die from the Covid-19 virus. These shots CONTAIN GRAPHENE oxide and iron oxide additives along with chemicals that can permanently cause your body to manufacture the spike protein that can eventually kill people. Forcing people to take these experimental vaccines is against your Constitutional rights. You are free not to take these poisons, and this should not determine if you can have a job or not. IF ANYTHING, THE VACCINATED PEOPLE ARE SPREADING THE SPIKE PROTEIN AND COVID VARIANTS. Your politicians and your large companies should not be dictating that you are required to have a Covid shot for employment or going to school. You will soon see the vaccinated people spreading the virus, and they will be getting sick as time goes on. If your employers, schools, or your government make it mandatory to have Covid shots, you can refuse such an order. If they want to punish you in jail or worse for not taking these shots, then I will call you to the safety of My refuges. If they threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. Then you will be coming to My refuges. Trust in My protection from these poisonous shots that will ruin your IMMUNE SYSTEM if you take them, and they could eventually kill you.”
COVID VIRUS AND THE COVID VACCINES TO YOUR SCIENTISTS. So this is why you are seeing the devil spread death all over the world using the Covid vaccines. These shots have poisonous GRAPHENE OXIDE, iron oxide, and lipids that produce the spike protein all over your body. Gradually the constant inflammation produced by these shots will kill the vaccinated people in a few years, unless they are healed.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, your people are being distracted by your sports games, while the Democrat socialists are stealing your freedoms with vaccine mandates, and arbitrary Executive Orders from Biden. The vaccines are TOXIC WITH GRAPHENE OXIDE, and people will die with two or three shots. The media and Biden have lied to the people that vaccines are safe, and will protect people from the Covid virus. These are lies and the vaccines could kill you over time, and the vaccinated people still get sick. Now there is a war against the unvaccinated people and they are being turned into second class citizens with less rights than the illegal immigrants who are crossing the border illegally. There is discrimination with the vaccine mandates when Congress and the illegal immigrants are exempt from being forced to take the Covid shots. These shots are a means of reducing the population, and they are being forced on My faithful. Refuse to take these shots, even if they threaten to kill you. This is why I will soon bring My Warning before any attempts for martial law or a shutdown. After My Warning and the conversion time, I will call My faithful to My refuges, and I will bring My justice down on the evil ones who will be cast down into hell. Trust in My angel protection as I will defeat the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon.”
October 6, 2021
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are seeing the one world people meeting, and they are planning the cashless society of a money change, and they are planning to release the next corona virus in the chemtrails. The money plan is to ultimately get rid of your paper money and coins, so there will only be a new electronic money system that will be linked with the mark of the beast for all buying and selling. The next corona virus could kill some vaccinated people, but the most people will die from the new vaccine that will be forced on the people. THIS IS WHEN YOU WILL SEE BODIES ON THE STREET DYING FROM A BLEEDING DISEASE THAT WILL COME FROM THE NEW VACCINE. REFUSE TO TAKE ANY NEW VACCINE SHOTS THAT WILL BE WORSE THAN THE GRAPHENE OXIDE. Before this next virus is released, I will call My faithful to My refuges where they will be protected by My angels from any mandated shots and the military trying to force the mark of the beast on people. My believers will also see My Warning come before many people will be dying from the next virus and the new vaccine. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you an example how taking the Covid shots are like a slow death from blood clots. The shot has GRAPHENE OXIDE AND THE LIPIDS THAT CAUSE YOUR BODY TO MANUFACTURE THE SPIKE PROTEIN THAT CAUSES THE COVID VIRUS. Unless someone, who is vaccinated, is blessed with the Good Friday oil or the exorcism water, they could die in a few years. This virus and vaccine are a plan to reduce the world’s population. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from this poisonous vaccine.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Biden government truly is a snake pit because they speak their lies with the forked tongue of a snake. They have been lying to the American people that the Covid virus could only be stopped by everyone taking the poisonous Covid shots. If you had the Covid virus, your natural immunity antibodies is a better protection than the Covid shots. People have analyzed the Covid vials, and they have found toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE in the shots. This is causing blood clots and many complications that the doctors are lying about to the public to cover up the bad effects of the Covid shots on the body. The doctors are refusing to link any complications or deaths to the Covid shots in their public statements. The Biden government is allowing illegal immigrants with the Covid virus to be spread all over your country, but he wants to mandate poisonous shots for everyone but Congress and the elites. The lies and hypocrisy is so evil that I am about to bring My destruction down on these evil ones. They are far worse than the Pharisees who were hypocrites as well. Biden and his cohorts in crime are destroying your work force and your economy with his vaccine mandates and overspending that will cause massive inflation and drastically depreciate your money with all of the excess printing of dollars. No wonder that you have inflation with more dollars chasing fewer goods. The shortages are also being manipulated by giving excess stimulus and excess unemployment benefits that have caused workers to stop working in addition to people leaving their jobs to avoid the mandated Covid shots. You will be seeing a continuing backlash to these mandates that could ruin your economy. Be prepared for My Warning and My call to My refuges of protection.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, I have told you that the Covid shots are full of toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE THAT CAUSES BLOOD CLOTS and it will kill people. Now you are reading how the evil leaders want to force the toxic Covid shots on your young children who rarely get sick from the Covid virus. The young children, who rarely get sick from the Covid virus, have more glutathione which is an antioxidant which helps keep the blood from clotting. Pray that your people will rise up against these toxic shots for the young children. The evil ones who want to reduce the population are forcing toxic Covid shots on the elderly, the workers, and now the young children. These evil ones should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea for trying to kill My little ones. Pray to protect your children from these poisonous shots that the evil ones are trying to force on them.”