ΘΥΜΑΤΑ ΠΙΕΣΕΩΝ της υγειονομικής διαχείρισης...
Oι τεράστιες πιέσεις που ασκήθηκαν από τα κοβιντοκαθεστώτα ειδικά πάνω στους υγειονομικούς που ποικιλοτρόπως στοχοποίησαν αποφέρουν δραματικούς καρπούς…παραίτηση κι αυτοκτονία ενός πρωτοποριακού επιφανούς γιατρού Πνευμονολόγου γιατρού Giuseppe De Donno στην Ιταλία…
Eπίσης η στοχοποίηση κι η αφόρητη άσκηση πίεσης και η απαράδεκτη ενοχοποίηση τμήματος της κοινωνίας φέρνει σ΄αδιέξοδο νέους ανθρώπους που σύμφωνα με την figaro αναζητούν διακαώς να βρουν τρόπους να κολήσουν covid19 για να γλιτώσουν από τα εμβολιακά στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης που εξασφαλίζουν τα πιστοποιητικά εμβολιασμού pass sanitaire και σ΄εντάσουν στην κατηγορία των προνομιούχων!
”Oι ηλικίας κάτω των 30 ετών κρίνουν ότι ο κίνδυνος ν΄αναπτύξουν μια μορφή σοβαρή Covid19 είναι αδύναμη και δεν βλέπουν συμφέρον στον εμβολιασμό. Το να έχουν Covid θα τους επέτρεπε να εξασφαλίσουν να έχουν πιστοποιητικό πρόσβασης…
Πολλοί νέοι ηλικίας κάτω των 30 ετών λένε τις τελευταίες ημέρες ότι είναι καλύτερο να κολήσουν το Covid από το να εμβολιαστούν, επειδή το Covid τους επιτρέπει να λάβουν τουλάχιστον 11 ημέρες μετά τη μόλυνση το πιστοποιητικό ανάρρωσης, που ισχύει για έξι μήνες και ενεργεί ως passe sanitaire. ”figaro 28/7/21
Η παραίτηση, η θεραπεία με πλάσμα, η σιωπή: τι κρύβεται πίσω από την αυτοκτονία του
Οι καραμπινιέροι της Μάντοβα εργάζονται για να ρίξουν άπλετο φως στην αυτοκτονία του Giuseppe De Donno ο οποίος δεν άφησε αποχαιρετιστήριο σημείωμα που να παραπέμπει στους λόγους του απονενοημένου διαβήματος..
Ο Giuseppe De Donno βρέθηκε νεκρός στο σπίτι του στο Curtatone, κοντά στη Μάντοβα, το απόγευμα της Τρίτης 27 Ιουλίου από κάποιους συγγενείς. Ο πρώην επικεφαλής Πνευμονολογίας στο νοσοκομείο Carlo Poma στη Μάντοβα αυτοκτόνησε σε ηλικία 54 ετών, αλλά οι λόγοι δεν έχουν διευκρινιστεί ακόμη.
Στο σπίτι, οι carabinieri που συντονίζουν τις έρευνες δεν βρήκαν αποχαιρετιστήριο γράμμα, ούτε σημείωμα που να εξηγεί τι κρύβεται πίσω από την ακραία χειρονομία του γιατρού που αγαπήθηκε και εκτιμήθηκε από την κοινότητά του.
Το όνομα του De Donno έφτασε στα πρωτοσέλιδα κατά τους πρώτους μήνες της επιδημίας το 2020, όταν πρότεινε υπερανοσολογική θεραπεία με πλάσμα για ασθενείς με σοβαρές μορφές Covid.
Στο Curtatone και σ’ ολόκληρη τη Μάντοβα είναι όλοι σοκαρισμένοι από την είδηση, όπως και οι συνάδελφοί του. Κανείς δεν περίμενε την αυτοκτονία του Giuseppe De Donno, ο οποίος πριν από λίγες εβδομάδες είχε αποφασίσει να εγκαταλείψει τη θέση του, παραιτούμενος από επικεφαλής του τμήματος πνευμονολογίας του Carlo Poma για να γίνει γενικός ιατρός στο Πόρτο Μαντοβάνο μετά από μια ζωή που πέρασε στο θάλαμο.
Είχε ξοδέψει πολύ ενέργεια από τον Φεβρουάριο και μετά για να βρει μια θεραπεία για τον Covid, όταν η Μάντοβα ήταν μία από τις περιοχές που επλήγησαν περισσότερο από την επιδημία μεταξύ Μαρτίου και Απριλίου 2020.
Ο De Donno , πατέρας της υπερανοσολογικής θεραπείας με πλάσμα κατά του Covid, αυτοκτόνησε (σσ ή τον αυτοκτόνησαν;;; Πιέσεις πιέσεις απαξίωση ανταγωνισμός συμφερόντων θεραπείες κατά εμβολίων εξ αρχής της εμφάνισης Covid...
Η διαμάχη στην ιατρική κοινότητα και η επικράτηση των εμβολιαστών επέφερε πειθαρχικά διώξεις εξοβελισμό παραιτήσεις απολύσεις κυρώσεις απαξίωση λογοκρισία άσκηση πιέσεων κατά των υπέρμαχων της ανάπτυξης θεραπειών ενδεικτική η περίπτωση καθηγητή Λοιμωξιολογίας Ντιντιέ Ραούλ και των συν αυτώ.)
Επένδυσε σε μεγάλο βαθμό στην υπεράνοση θεραπεία πλάσματος, η οποία φαινόταν να είναι το σημείο καμπής για να ελαφρύνει τον κορεσμό στην εντατική και να θεραπεύσει ασθενείς με τις πιο σοβαρές μορφές Covid, αλλά αυτός ο δρόμος σταδιακά παραμερίζεται ακόμη και εν όψει διεθνών μελετών και ερευνών.
“Κατά τη διάρκεια του πρώτου κύματος του Covid είχε δώσει τον καλύτερο του εαυτό και εκτιμήθηκε πραγματικά τόσο από τους ιατρούς συναδέλφους του όσο και από τους εκατοντάδες ασθενείς που είχε κουράρει”, λέει σήμερα ο διευθυντής του Asst of Mantua αναφερόμενος στον De Donno .
Πιθανώς η έλλειψη ενδιαφέροντος για την υπεράνοση θεραπεία πλάσματος και η προοδευτική περιθωριοποίησή της άφησαν το στίγμα τους στον Giuseppe De Donno, όπως επιβεβαιώθηκε: «Είχε επενδύσει επίσης πολύ στην έρευνα για το πλάσμα, μια θεραπεία που τώρα έχει εγκαταλειφθεί αλλά όλα όσα είχε αποδώσει.
Η εγκατάλειψη του πλάσματος για άλλες θεραπείες ήταν σίγουρα ένα πολύ δύσκολο πλήγμα για να το διαχειριστεί “.
Τώρα οι carabinieri θα ρίξουν φως στο τι συνέβη στον Δρ De Donno, για να διευκρινίσουν τη δυναμική που εξακολουθεί να είναι ασαφής.
Εν τω μεταξύ, οι άνδρες του συνταγματάρχη Antonello Minutoli, επαρχιακού διοικητή των καραμπινιέρων Mantua, που συντονίζονται από την Εισαγγελία της Μάντοβας, ερευνούν για να αποκλείσουν οποιαδήποτε ευθύνη τρίτων.ilgiornale 28/7/21
Το τελευταίο μήνυμα του επιστήμονα δεν έδειχνε ότι θα προέβαινε στην αυτοχειρία...Toν έβγαλαν από τη μέση τα συμφέροντα των εταιριών το παρακράτος ενός σκληρού καθεστώτος που πρώτο άρχισε υποχρεωτικό εμβολιασμό κατά υγειονομικών παγκοσμίως;; Toν εξώθησαν με πιέσεις και συστηματική απαξίωση;;;
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή......FALSE POSITIVES...... September 18, 2020
Friday, September 11, 2020: (Vincent Poche Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, I call many people to share their faith with others, and a few people I give special missions to share messages with My faithful. I have been sending messages of warning and preparation for a time of the coming tribulation. You have been seeing some difficulties with the corona virus and the communist mobs who are threatening to take over your government. Picture your life under more restrictions and even a possible threat to your life when your country is eventually taken over. I have given missions of having refuges to a few people, and you, My son, have been obedient to carrying out My suggestions for your refuge. Because the evil ones will have more influence on your lives, you will need My angels to protect you. You are remembering all the people who died in the Twin Towers plane crash on 9-11-01. This was a false flag destruction that was brought upon your people by the deep state. Now the deep state is using viruses and chemtrails to reduce the population as their goal. The sickness and plagues coming, will take even more lives. So be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I give you My inner locution. Do not take any vaccine or flu shots that could damage your immune system. Even avoid getting virus tests if you can postpone medical procedures. THERE ARE MANY FALSE POSITIVE TESTS THAT COULD SEPARATE YOU FROM YOUR LOVED ONES WITH YOUR QUARANTINE CONTROLS. Pray for My help and protection during these next dangerous events.”
October 21, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, in many Gospels I speak about having no fear from evil people or diseases. There truly are the elite rich people who want to control the people through fear. They also have a desire to reduce the population, just as Satan is leading them. THESE RICH PEOPLE ARE USING MAN-MADE VIRUSES, LIKE THE CORONA VIRUS, AND VACCINES TO KILL OFF PEOPLE. THEY USE THE MEDIA TO CLAIM MORE CASES OF VIRUS, WHEN THERE ARE MANY FALSE POSITIVES. THEY ALSO CLAIM MORE VIRUS DEATHS, BUT PEOPLE ARE DYING FROM OTHER CAUSES. BY USING THIS FEAR OF DEATH FROM THE VIRUS, THEY USE THIS TO CONTROL YOUR POPULATION, AND PROVIDE REASON TO SHUT DOWN YOUR BUSINESSES TO RUIN YOUR ECONOMY. You can see how these evil ones will provide a corona virus vaccine that will be dangerous for your health, and it will not stop the virus. They will then try and make this vaccine mandatory to control your population, and add a chip in the body to tell who had the vaccine. Refuse to take any vaccine or flu shot, and do not take any chip in the body to control your mind. If they threaten your lives to imprison you for not taking the vaccine, you will need to come to My refuges which will be your new castle of protection by My angels.
,,,,,At My refuges you will have My luminous cross that you can look on, and you will be healed of all of your ailments and viruses. My angels will give you daily Holy Communion, and they will multiply your water, food, and fuels for your survival. So have no fear of the evil ones, because I will protect My faithful believers. Only those people, who believe in Me, will receive a cross on their forehead, that will allow them to enter My refuges. Fear is useless, but only have trust and faith that I will take care of My faithful with an invisible shield.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are seeing several Democrat governors trying to shut down your activities, including discouraging your Thanksgiving dinner meetings. These governors are showing increased positive tests which have many FALSE POSITIVES. There are more hospital cases that are more from the flu. Some deaths are up, but they are claiming many deaths that are not from covid-19. These governors are acting as dictators, but they are over reacting to the people who are sick. SOON PFIZER AND MODERNA WILL BE OFFERING VACCINES FOR THE CORONA VIRUS, BUT DO NOT TAKE THEM. THESE VACCINES ARE USING NANO TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR DNA, AND PEOPLE COULD HAVE BAD REACTIONS AND POSSIBLY DIE. The 95% effectiveness is a lie, and should not be believed. With Moderna’s high dose treatment, 100% of patients had bad reactions. The deep state is using this corona virus as a means to control people and prepare them for the coming communist takeover. When shutdowns and mandatory virus vaccine and flu shots threaten your lives, I will call My faithful to My refuges to be healed and protected from the evil ones.”Jesus said: “My people, if Biden can be persuaded by money from China and the Ukraine, imagine how he could help your enemy in China. You will also have to pay higher taxes for his Green New Deal. Many other problems will send your country toward a communist state with your guns taken and your churches closed. He also could shutdown your country ON FALSE VIRUS TESTS. Keep praying that Trump will win.”
Jesus said: “My people, before the virus vaccines were being pushed by the media and evil doctors, I told My people to refuse to take these deadly vaccines, even if they threatened to kill you. REFUSE TO TAKE THE FLU SHOTS AS WELL BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL DESIGNED TO KILL THE PEOPLE. I EVEN TOLD YOU TO AVOID GETTING TESTED BECAUSE THE TESTS COULD BE CONTAMINATED WITH VIRUSES. Now, these evil ones are trying to force people to take the shots, or they could not enter their jobs or sports events. THESE EVIL ONES WILL USE VACCINE PASSPORTS TO SEPARATE THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE VACCINATED FROM THOSE WHO ARE UNVACCINATED. EVENTUALLY, THESE EVIL ONES WILL MAKE THESE SHOTS MANDATORY, AND THEY WILL TRY AND USE THE MILITARY TO ENFORCE THE SHOTS ON EVERYONE. If your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. I will bring My Warning to separate the good people from the evil ones. The evil ones will not be allowed into My refuges. Non-believers will die from these plagues, and they will be cast into hell. My believers will be healed of any viruses at My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels when I will protect you with an invisible shield. My justice will come against all the evil ones, as they will be killed and sent to hell. I will gather My faithful into My Era of Peace.”Thursday, April 23, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many rich and famous people who worship Satan, and they are carrying out Satan’s plans. Satan hates man and he is encouraging his subjects to do everything to reduce the population of the world. One of these means is by spreading deadly viruses to upset the economies of many nations. This novel CORONA VIRUS WAS MADE IN CHINA, BUT THEY WERE GIVEN HOW TO MAKE IT FROM LABS IN AMERICA. THEY ARE ABLE TO SPREAD THIS VIRUS USING CHEMTRAILS, LAB TESTS TAINTED WITH THE ACTIVE VIRUS, AND VACCINES WHICH ARE ALSO INFECTED WITH THIS VIRUS. This is part of the explanation of why America has more cases and more deaths than any other nation. The next plan is to spread a much deadlier virus in the fall. At that point I will call My faithful to My refuges.”
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, you are seeing many investigations of the ORIGIN OF THIS CORONA VIRUS. MANY COUNTRIES, INCLUDING AMERICA, HAVE BEEN WORKING ON CREATING BIOLOGICAL WEAPON VIRUSES. You have seen China spend a lot of money also on their bioweapons. The one world people want total control over the world, and they will use these deadly viruses to purposely reduce the earth’s population. This evil is even worse than abortions and wars because millions of people could be killed by viruses. Have no fear because I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges. I will defeat these evil ones in My time.”
February 4, 2021
Jesus said: “My people, you have been focused on the latest fraudulent election. This is a distraction from an ongoing pandemic virus that does not kill that many people. Now, you are seeing the one world people push nano particle vaccines that are making people sick or even killing some people. I told you before that you will next see another virus that will be much deadlier. YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHINESE SCIENTISTS WERE GIVING YOU THE FIRST PART OF A BINARY VIRUS THAT IS PURPOSELY DESIGNED TO KILL MANY PEOPLE. THIS SECOND VIRUS WILL REACT WITH THE VACCINE AND COULD KILL MANY PEOPLE AS WELL. I will warn My people before this deadly virus is released. I will call My believers to My refuges where you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any virus, even if you took the virus vaccine.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Chinese researchers were working with American researchers to make the Covid-19 corona virus that has spread to all parts of the world. These viruses were purposely made so many people would die. Bill Gates has said that with viruses and vaccines he could reduce the world’s population by 15%. This plan for killing man is being led by the devil because he hates man. These one world people worship Satan, and they are carrying out his orders to reduce the population with viruses, vaccines, and abortion. Pray for My protection as I will lead My believers to My safe havens where you will be healed.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the early treatment of covid-19 patients, many were healed using hydroxychoroquine at the right dose level. People were dying because their immune systems overreacted to the virus and this was killing some people. Treatments of hydroxychloroquine relaxed the immune system along with Zinc and an antibiotic which healed the patients. This treatment was even held back from patients because the one world people wanted people to be scared into taking vaccines which would later kill them. So refuse to take these nano virus vaccines because they are more deadly than the virus.”
these things are not in the Bible.. You can't put the symbol "" and quoting by yourself... If you write something from the Bible, please put some references. Thank you and God bless you
ΔιαγραφήThursday, July 4, 2019:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήGod the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is calling all of you to come and honor My Beloved Son because He has brought salvation to all of your souls by His sacrifice on the cross. His sacrifice is making atonement for all of your sins, past, present, and to come. When you come to adore My Son in the consecrated Host, thank Him for dying for your sins, and opening the gates of heaven to all worthy souls. This plan of My Son as your Redeemer, was started after the original sin of Adam and Eve. I have restored man’s standing, despite your fallen state. I love all of My creations, and I will not abandon your souls to the evil ones. Instead, My Son’s death and Resurrection offers eternal life to all souls who will repent of their sins and love Me, as well as loving My Son as your Savior.”
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to condemn any activity in your clergy who want to change My words of Consecration. My Son died on the cross to save you from your sins. My Son has left you His very Self with you in the Consecrated Hosts. My Son is truly Present when your priest uses the proper words of Consecration. If and when you change these words of Consecration, you will no longer have My Son’s Real Presence. A Mass without the proper words of Consecration, will be like a blasphemy in My face, and I will not tolerate such a desecration. Those clergy, who violate My Consecration words, will face excommunication from My faithful remnant priests. If people persist in such blasphemous masses, they are on a path to hell, unless they repent in Confession. This is an evil I will not permit in My remnant Church. Be prepared to come to My REFUGES when this abomination occurs.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass, Holy Trinity Sunday, Father’s day) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM comes to you on this Father’s Day because I am the Father of all creation, and I love all of you so much. I know it is hard for man to comprehend Three Persons in One God-God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is good to look at Us in symbols of the Bible, as I appeared as a burning bush to Moses. You see pictures of Me as an older man as you think of a human father, but it is beyond your human comprehension to truly know an infinite, loving God. The image of your vision of an infinite universe, is just an example of how hard it is to know Me. I gave Moses My Ten Commandments and I guided the Hebrews out of Egypt eventually into their promised land of Israel. If you truly love Me, you can follow My Commandments and come to frequent Confession at least once a month. You can call on Me to help lead you to heaven with your love of Me and neighbor in your good deeds. Spread the Good News of My Son’s Resurrection, as He died for your sins to bring you salvation. God bless all of you in your love for Us.”
Sunday, March 24, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to speak to you about My encounter with Moses. I was Present in the burning bush, and I told Moses to come no further, because he was standing on holy ground, and he needed to remove his sandals. It is out of respect for My glorious Presence that he stopped, and removed his sandals. I proceeded to tell Moses that he would be the deliverer by My miracles to lead his people out of bondage by the Egyptians. Today, you have the holy ground of My Son, Jesus, wherever you see a tabernacle with His consecrated Hosts. This is why you give your respect to Us by kneeling in front of the tabernacle on arriving and leaving Our Real Presence. When you receive Holy Communion you need to bow or genuflect. You also need to be free of mortal sin in order to receive Us worthily. In every Holy Communion you receive all Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity: Myself, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, because We are always One and undivided. Learn from your Lenten devotions to keep focused on Us and pray your prayers of thanksgiving to Us every day.”
A bheil thu a ’creidsinn sa Bheurla, an dèan thu gàire?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήfhad ‘s a tha Orthodox Grèigeach ann fhathast,
chan urrainn do dhuine seòlta agus gun urra cron a dhèanamh orra.
le Orthodox Albannach
January 2, 2009
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήJesus said: “My people, St. Basil and St. Gregory are two of the Early Church fathers and doctors of the Church. They should be mentioned on their feast day and given honor for their contributions to the faithful in keeping the faith alive and ongoing. These early fathers were instrumental in stopping heresies and gave you the Gregorian Chant music for your church services. Monasteries thrived on their teachings and they were great supporters of the Eastern Church which is currently apart from Rome. These early saints helped inspire My Church in its early infancy.”
May 6, 2021
Friday, April 30, 2021: (3:00 a.m. Good Friday oil preparation)
Jesus said: “My people, I am proud of all of My faithful who went through this effort TO PRAY 33 APOSTLES CREED AND 7 HAIL HOLY QUEEN PRAYERS AT 3:00 A.M. ON THE GOOD FRIDAY FOR THE EASTERN RITE CHURCH. I WILL TRULY BLESS THIS OIL FOR ALL OF THE VACCINATED PEOPLE THAT NEED TO BE ANOINTED WITH THIS OIL TO KEEP THEM FROM DYING WITH THE NEXT DEADLY VIRUS. Let the people you are praying over believe that I can heal them. This service is needed to help heal the immune systems of the vaccinated people. You can pour some of this oil in your little bottles and use it to pray over the people. The one who is anointing people on the forehead, and the one who is being blessed, both have to believe that I can heal this virus. I thank all of My faithful who believe in this service and who believe in My healing power. In the morning you can quench these flames and pour this blessed oil back into your large bottles. Later, you can fill your smaller bottles with this healing oil. I have given this message for all of My servants to be instruments in this healing effort. Trust in Me when I say that I will use this oil to heal people. It is I, Jesus, who has said it.”
May 6, 2021
Jesus said: “My people, just as you made Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on April 2, so you can make more Good Friday oil tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. on April 30th on the Eastern Rite feast day. Either oil can be used to bless vaccinated people so they will not die when the next deadly virus is released. This is My blessing so the vaccinated people can be healed, but they must believe in faith that I can heal them. Bless them on the forehead with this oil and pray some prayers with them.”
Tuesday, November 12, 2019: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, THERE HAVE BEEN MANY MARTYRS WHO HAVE DIED FOR THEIR FAITH IN ME. THEY WERE WILLING TO GIVE UP THEIR LIVES FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL. IN THE EASTERN RITE THERE ARE MANY ICONS OF MY BLESSED MOTHER AND MYSELF. They do not have statues as in the Western Rite. St. Josaphat lived in the Ukraine of Russia where many were starved to death by Stalin. Such artificial food shortages are a communist tactic to control the people, and make them dependent on the communist leaders. You can see the food shortages in communist Venezuela, and communist North Korea. Many communist countries use the same food shortage to control their people. America is seeing more communist activists, especially in the socialist democrats. Your country will soon have to choose between your freedoms under your democratic republic, or atheistic communism. These communist activists offer your free health care and free education without showing you how to pay for it. Do not listen to the socialist lies, and strive to keep your freedom to worship Me. America will be punished for your abortions and sexual sins when you see natural disasters and a communist takeover destroy your society. Fear not the evil ones because I will lead you to the safety of My REFUGES. After a brief evil time, I will bring My victory over all the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will bring you into My Era of Peace as your reward for being faithful.”
November 3, 2016
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήSunday, October 23, 2016: (Eastern Rite Mass)
Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a message last night about hell, so you would pray more for sinners who are in most danger of falling into hell. In today’s Gospel, I told the parable about the rich man and the beggar, Lazarus. Lazarus was at the gate of the rich man, longing to eat the scraps from his table, but no one offered Lazarus anything to eat. Only the dogs licked the sores of Lazarus. Upon their deaths, Lazarus came to heaven, but the rich man found himself in the eternal fires of hell. The rich man wanted water for his parched tongue, and he asked Me to warn his brothers not to come to hell. I told him that they had Moses, the prophets, and the Torah to guide them. The rich man wanted Me to send someone from the dead to tell his brothers about hell. I told him if the brothers did not listen to Moses and the prophets, then they would not listen to one who rose from the dead either. I AM THE ONLY MAN WHO ROSE FROM THE DEAD TO OFFER EVERYONE SALVATION, YET STILL THERE ARE SOULS WHO DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IN ME. In the vision I showed you how My faithful have to enter heaven by the narrow road. It is the devil who is trying to get souls to follow the easy, broad road to hell. So listen to My words of love, so you can repent of your sins and be prepared to enter heaven. Those people, who follow the pleasures and riches of this world without repenting, are truly following the devil on the broad road to hell. So again, I am asking My prayer warriors to spend your extra time praying for sinners, but especially for sinners who are away from Me, and in most peril of losing their souls into hell.”