Παρασκευή 11 Ιουνίου 2021



Στο λαό του ”ΟΧΙ” η σπίλωση της άρνησης είναι κάλεσμα Υποταγής… Επιχειρείται σήμερα από τους «Στρατηγούς Μεγαφώνων» όπως θα τους ονόμαζε ο Αντώνης Σαμαράκης μια ταύτιση της άρνησης με τον αρνητισμό. 

Άλλη είναι η θέση της «Άρνησης» στη νεοελληνική Γραμματεία.. Από το καβαφικό ΟΧΙ ως την Άρνηση του Γ Σεφέρη και το Αρνούμαι του Αντ. Σαμαράκη η άρνηση επέχει θέση περίοπτη ταυτόσημη του δυναμισμού, της  Αντίστασης, του αναπαλλοτρίωτου, του αντικομφορμισμού ή της γόνιμης μεταστροφής, της αντιδιαστολής στο ρεύμα, της διαφοροποίησης στο συρμό στο επιβεβλημένο όντας παράλογο…

«»Ο αρνηθείς δεν μετανοιώνει. Αν ρωτιούνταν πάλι,
όχι θα ξαναέλεγε. Κι όμως τον καταβάλλει
εκείνο το όχι — το σωστό — εις όλην την ζωή του.” (Καβάφης)

Το ΟΧΙ το σωστό…ο αρνηθείς δεν μετανιώνει.. υπάρχουν κυρώσεις αλλά δεν ήταν ανταλλάξιμη η εντιμότητα του…

Από την «Άρνηση»του Σεφέρη

«...πήραμε τη ζωή μας· λάθος!
κι αλλάξαμε ζωή.»

Εδώ η λοιδωρούμενη στις μέρες μας ”άρνηση” σηματοδοτεί μια γόνιμη κι ευδόκιμη Στροφή δηλ. αλλαγή πλεύσης…μια μεταστροφή …που ουσιαστικά παραπέμπει στην πρώτη ποιητική συλλογή του ”Στροφή”...

Η άρνηση ως ευκαιρία επανακαθορισμού κι αυτοσυνειδησίας μια αφύπνιση του είναι που δρομολογεί αλλαγές…Η «Άρνηση» του «Λάθους» σαν μια σύνθεση των 2 δημιουργών Σεφέρη-Σαμαράκη!

Στο «Αρνούμαι» συλλογή διηγημάτων καφκικής όσο κι οργουελιανής ατμόσφαιρας από τον μετρ του είδους στην ελληνική τον Αντώνη Σαμαράκη. Ένα Αρνούμαι διαχρονικής εμβέλειας :” ήτανε τότε αυτή η μικρή λέξη


που τη γράφανε στους τοίχους με μαύρη μπογιά και που δεν ήταν μονάχα μια μικρή λέξη


ήταν η Αντίσταση στον κόσμο του Κατακτητή


ήταν το πάθος και το πείσμα της ζωής εναντίον του ρεύματος, εναντίον της ηττοπάθειας , εναντίον της υποταγής εναντίον του θανάτου ( σσ άλλη αντίληψη για το θάνατο)

το πρώτο είναι να πω ΑΡΝΟΥΜΑΙ σε αυτόν εδώ τον παράλογο κόσμο..

με κεφαλαία γράμματα σαν και τότε στην Κατοχή έγραψε


Από την ελληνική γραμματεία στην καινοδιαθηκική ελληνόγλωσση εκδοχή της Άρνησης του Πέτρου. Σε αυτή την περιοχή παρατηρείται μια άλλη αντιμετώπιση της έννοιας και χρήση αυτής. Η άρνηση στη χριστιανική γραμματεία είναι όρος κομβικός μη αναλώσιμος χρησιμοποιείται σχεδόν αποκλειστικά για την άρνηση του Ιησού.Το αυτό και στο (Α ´ ᾿Ιωά ν. β´ 22-23). 

«Τίς ἐστιν ὁ ψεύστης εἰ μὴ ὁ ἀρνούμενος ὅ τι ᾿Ιησοῦς οὐκ ἔστιν ὁ Χριστός; Οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ ἀντίχριστος, ὁ ἀρνούμενος τὸν Πατέρα καὶ τὸν Υ ἱό ν. Πᾶς ὁ ἀρνούμενος τὸν Υἱὸν οὐδὲ τὸν Πατέρα ἔχει.” Αλλά και για τους αρνητές του θηρίου στην Αποκάλυψη. 

Πάντως για κάτι οριακό μεταφυσικό. Η σημερινή χρήση για χαρακτηρισμό συγκεκριμένης μερίδας πολιτών είναι και από τις δύο οπτικές τουλάχιστον αδόκιμη και καταχρηστική με βάση το πνεύμα της ελληνικής γραμματείας.

Σήμερα προσδίδουν στον όρο αρνητής όχι την κατ΄εξοχή λόγια διάθεση της Αντίστασης αλλά αυτήν ακριβώς την μεταφυσική χροιά που προκύπτει από έναν αυθαίρετο δυσανάλογο εξισωτισμό του ”αρνούμαι” και του ”απαρνούμαι” που τείνει να σημαίνει προδοσία, μειοδοσία. 

Aφού το απαρνούμαι εμπεριέχει την προγενέστερη αποδοχή του νυν αποποιούμενου. Οι δε αρνητές καθίστανται στοχοποιημένοι, εχθροί του λαού, εσωτερικός εχθρός, μιάσματα κλπ. 

Απαράδεκτες «λογικές» για μια δημοκρατία…

Στη Δύση βέβαια που δεν επέδειξε το ίδιο πνεύμα Αντίστασης στον Β Παγκόσμιο όσο ο ελληνικός λαός ο όρος négationnisme (αρνητισμός) έχει όντως αρνητική διάθεση με π.χ ενδεικτικό την Négation de la Shoah=Ολοκαυτώματος..

 Αλλά η Ελλάδα έχει άλλα ιστορικά βιώματα που αποτυπώθηκαν γλαφυρά όσο κι ανεξίτηλα ακόμη και στο γλωσσολογικό ύφος. Σήμερα επιχειρούν ακόμη και αυτή την μετάλλαξη!!!!!Είναι εντυπωσιακό φτάνουν στο μεδούλι χτυπούν στο κόκκαλο… της γλώσσας …στα μύχια της ψυχής του λαού..

6 σχόλια:

  1. http://www.johnleary.com/
    John Leary

    • REFUSE TO take any Covid VACCINEs and you need to bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. Those people, who believe I can heal them, will not die from the VACCINE. Pray for the people not to take the Covid VACCINE, and bless the vaccinated people with this oil so they will not die. So do not believe the lies of the evil ones, but only follow My directions to avoid taking the Covid VACCINE and avoid taking the flu shots.”
    • REFUSE TO take this VACCINE because it will kill you. In order to be healed, you have to believe that I can heal you. If you are persecuted for not taking the Covid VACCINE, you will need to come to My refuges for protection.”
    • REFUSE TO take the Covid VACCINE that will destroy your immune system. You do not need a VACCINE because 99.5% of the people do not die from the Covid virus. You had the virus yourself, and you had some days of weakness, but now you are better and you have anti-bodies to fight off any infections. The one world people are trying to control you, and even kill people with the VACCINEs that you do not need. If your lives are threatened for not taking the VACCINE, I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”
    • REFUSE TO work and REFUSE TO obey My Commandments….will be judged harshly to the flames of hell for their disobedience. You all need to work and show Me the fruit of your efforts. Those people, who are lazy and do not obey My laws, will be judged to hell because of their sins of sloth. Work hard to do good deeds for your neighbor, and seek the forgiveness of your sins, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
    • . REFUSE TO take any virus VACCINE. This is why you need to make more Good Friday oil on April 30th at 3:00 a.m. praying the 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers as you use wicks and flames in the oil. If you bless the vaccinated people on the forehead with this Good Friday oil, these people could be healed of any virus, if they believe that I can heal them with My healing power. I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus gets released. The Warning will give all sinners one last chance to convert their lives of sin and be saved from hell. After the conversion six weeks, I will call My believers to My refuges where they will be healed of any viruses, and My angels will protect them from the evil ones. I will bring My victory so My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace, but the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell.”
    • REFUSE TO take these deadly VACCINEs, even if they threatened to kill you. REFUSE TO take the flu shots as well because they are all designed to kill the people. I even told you to avoid getting tested because the tests could be contaminated with viruses. Now, these evil ones are trying to force people to take the shots, or they could not enter their jobs or sports events. These evil ones will use VACCINE passports to separate those people who are vaccinated from those who are unvaccinated. Eventually, these evil ones will make these shots mandatory, and they will try and use the military to enforce the shots on everyone. If your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. I will bring My Warning to separate the good people from the evil ones. The evil ones will not be allowed into My refuges. Non-believers will die from these plagues, and they will be cast into hell. My believers will be healed of any viruses at My refuges. Trust in Me and My angels when I will protect you with an invisible shield. My justice will come against all the evil ones, as they will be killed and sent to hell. I will gather My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

  2. Καλώς τα λέει ο αλλοδαπός κύριος, αλλά γιατί βρε ανώνυμε η εισαγόμενη αγγλικανική αλήθεια;
    Χάθηκε να βάλεις τι λένε οι δικοί μας φωτισμένοι στη γλώσσα μας;
    Μην ξεχνάς τι έλεγαν οι Λατίνοι.
    ex orientum lux

  3. www.johnleary.com


    • Jesus said: “My people, many of you feel like you are on a constant treadmill where you are being directed in many parts of your lives. You cannot help but notice how your people are being herded like animals to get a Covid VACCINE shot. These Covid VACCINEs are deadly and you should REFUSE TO take them. You did not get a VACCINE and you survived a weak case of this Covid virus. These VACCINEs will change your DNA and you do not need them. The vaccinated people could die from the next virus attack. Pray for your sick people to be healed as I healed you without a VACCINE.”
    • REFUSE TO deny Me, and hold fast to your faith in Me no matter how much the evil ones will threaten your lives. Call on Me for your protection, and I will give you My daily Bread at every Mass. I am by your side every day to defend you, so have confidence in My power no matter how many people come against you. You are at a crossroad of your life, and you need to choose between Me or the world. Put your full trust in My laws, and do not concern yourselves to follow man’s laws when they do not follow My Commandments. You will face Me at your judgment, so obey My laws of love, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”
    • . REFUSE TO take any Covid VACCINE or flu shots. When you are sick, call on Me in prayer to heal you. I will send the Holy Spirit and His healing gifts to make you well again. Trust in My healing by increasing your prayers and your St. Therese 24 Glory Be prayers. You will see how your faith will heal you.”
    • Try to build up your immune system with vitamin C and D along with Hawthorn pills and elderberry extract which has natural tamiflu. You can bless people with your Good Friday oil as well. REFUSE TO take any VACCINE or boosters that claim to heal these variants. If your lives are in danger from these variants, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where I will heal you of any virus.”
    • REFUSE TO take any Covid VACCINE or flu shot, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”
    • I thank you for following My suggestion to stock up on groceries before your stores could restrict people who REFUSE TO get the Covid VACCINE. You are seeing the beginning of how the left wants to control your freedoms of movement by forcing mandatory Covid VACCINE ID tags as a necessity to enter your stores. If your people do not rise up in revolt against these restrictions, you could lose your freedoms and allow the communists to take you over. Pray and protest to keep your freedoms, or you will lose all of your freedoms. When your lives are threatened, I will call My believers to My refuges where you will be healed and protected by My angels.”

  4. • Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several movies that are showing you why the current Covid VACCINE could ruin your immune system in fighting the next corona virus attack. You have innate killer cells that represent about 10% of your white blood cells that you have from birth. These natural killer (NK) cells can kill all virus variants. The Covid VACCINE can only kill the specific Covid virus that started, but it cannot kill mutant variants or a new virus. The VACCINE antibodies can overpower your NK cells and the new virus could kill the vaccinated person. So REFUSE TO take the Covid VACCINE that will ruin your immune system because it could kill millions of people.”
    • Those people, who repent and follow My laws, will have eternal life with Me in heaven. But those people, who REFUSE TO repent and follow worldly ways, will face My judgment to hell. There are only two choices in this life. You can follow Me to heaven in love, or you can follow the devil to hell in hate.”
    • As more people get sick and some are dying, there should be a recall based on so many bad reactions to the shots. REFUSE TO take this VACCINE because it will change your DNA permanently. The chance of death from the virus itself is less than .5%, so a VACCINE is not even necessary. Trust in Me to heal My people at My refuges.”
    • Treatments of hydroxychloroquine relaxed the immune system along with Zinc and an antibiotic which healed the patients. This treatment was even held back from patients because the one world people wanted people to be scared into taking VACCINEs which would later kill them. So REFUSE TO take these nano virus VACCINEs because they are more deadly than the virus.”
    • Some doctors are in collusion with the one world people by not making these medicines available to treat virus patients. The virus VACCINEs have actually caused worse symptoms, and even death to those people who have taken it. These poorly tested VACCINEs should not be forced on people in medical fields, or even any field. These NANO PARTICLE VACCINES will change your DNA permanently and ruin your immune system. The fact that some people are getting sick or dying after receiving the VACCINE, shows you the reason not to take the virus VACCINE. So REFUSE TO take this virus VACCINE, even if people threaten to kill you, or put you in jail. This is a plan by the one world people to use viruses and VACCINEs to reduce the world’s population. Read the research on the internet to see this diabolical plan. If necessary, you will eventually come to My refuges for protection, and healing of these laboratory made diseases.”
    • The Democrats will work hard to get people vaccinated, and they will be working to try and take away your guns so the foreign soldiers can have little resistance. The VACCINEs have side effects and can even kill you. The evil ones want to reduce the population, so REFUSE TO take virus VACCINEs, flu shots, nor chips in the body. You could see a possible civil war, or an invasion from Chinese troops. Before any killing takes place, I will bring My Warning. After the conversion time, I will call you to My refuges of protection. Trust in Me and My angels to defeat the evil ones.”
    • REFUSE TO take any virus VACCINE, any flu shot, or any chip in the body. These atheists will try to shut down your churches, and they may even call Christians terrorists. They will try to put Christians in jail or kill them. Whenever your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges. After the Warning and the conversion time, you will get rid of your internet devices so the Antichrist cannot get you to worship him with his eyes. Trust in My protection at My refuges where I will feed you and give you daily Holy Communion. Remember I told you that I gave you Trump as a short reprieve from eight years of Obama. Now you will be tested by Biden again. After the Warning and the end of the tribulation, all of the evil ones will be killed, and cast into the flames of hell. So be patient until I bring My Warning.”

  5. • Some of the deaths being reported for the covid-19 are from other causes, so the death numbers are inflated. REFUSE TO take the virus VACCINE. There will be more virus attacks, and those people, who receive this VACCINE, will contaminate more people with the new virus because of the radiation from the 5G microwaves. The virus and VACCINEs are a plan by the evil one world people to reduce the population of the whole world. If there is a war, or a more deadly virus, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will look upon My luminous cross, and you will be healed of any disease.”
    • The evil ones are trying to use fear to scare people into taking the nano VACCINEs that will change your DNA. This will control people through the cloud of your 5G internet. So REFUSE TO take such VACCINEs, even if they threaten to kill you. The shutdowns will also keep My people from coming to church. You will be back to watching Mass on your internet without Holy Communion. If you are kept at home, you can still make a spiritual Communion. I keep repeating that when your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning, and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”
    • Jesus said: “My people, there is a plan to try and force your people to take the current VACCINEs that are causing health problems, and they will permanently change your DNA that could cause death. REFUSE TO take the virus VACCINE, and refuse the flu shot because they could ruin your immune system. If the leaders make VACCINEs and chips in the body mandatory, then you will need to come to the protection of My refuges. Trust in My angel protection.”
    • You know My Commandments of love, but you see evil people spreading viruses around you, and soon the evil ones will try to force VACCINEs on you. REFUSE TO take this new VACCINE with nano chips that could control you, and change your DNA, even if they threaten to kill you. If the evil ones make these VACCINEs mandatory, I will need to call you to My refuges of protection. I am showing you this ladder to pull you out of this evil world, and this represents My haven of protection at My refuges. When you see mandatory VACCINEs and mandatory chips in the body, I will bring My Warning, and a call to come to My refuges after the Warning. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges, where you will stay throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Fear not, because My angels will protect you, and provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”
    • Jesus said: “My people, your media is speaking about fear of the Chinese corona virus that is lying to you about the facts. Every year there are many people who catch the flu and thousands die each year from the flu. Many doctors prescribe tamiflu to help ease the symptoms of the flu. You recently read about a pharmacist who noticed no prescriptions of tamiflu have been ordered in his area. In other words the test and cases of the corona virus are including all the flu cases that are causing deaths. Only .5% of virus cases die. The authorities are pushing the nano VACCINEs that are more deadly than the virus. REFUSE TO take this VACCINE that will change your DNA and you could die or have allergic reactions. The virus and this VACCINE are all part of a means to reduce the world’s population. Trust in Me because you will be healed of any virus at My refuges.”

  6. • My faithful will have a chance to convert souls in the conversion time of six weeks after the Warning. I have shown you what hell is like, and you do not want to see anyone go to hell. Yet, you will see many souls falling into hell like snowflakes. Keep praying for your family members that you can help save their souls from hell. If people REFUSE TO believe in Me, and do not seek My forgiveness of their sins, then they are choosing hell for all eternity. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and you will be with Me forever in heaven.”
    • “My people, before many people are killed by a virus or a war, I will bring My Warning in such a time of chaos as I have promised. I will bring every one all over the world out of your body and outside of time to My life review all at the same time. This will be one of My many miracles that will give every sinner one last chance to change their evil lives into a life following My laws. Those people, who REFUSE TO repent and REFUSE TO change their lives, will be swept away into hell after the six weeks of conversion. Repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness, and you will be saved in My Era of Peace.”

    June 2021

    Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people pushing to have everyone get vaccinated to supposedly stop the pandemic virus. This has been hype and scare tactics to control your people. In the first place, VIRUS VACCINES ARE NOT NECESSARY SINCE 99.5% OF THE PEOPLE ARE NOT DYING FROM THIS VIRUS. Even some old medicines have been used early in the disease at the right dose, and people have been cured even for bad cases. Some doctors are in collusion with the one world people by not making these medicines available to treat virus patients. THE VIRUS VACCINES HAVE ACTUALLY CAUSED WORSE SYMPTOMS, AND EVEN DEATH TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TAKEN IT. These poorly tested vaccines should not be forced on people in medical fields, or even any field. These nano particle vaccines will change your DNA permanently and ruin your immune system. The fact that some people are getting sick or dying after receiving the vaccine, shows you the reason not to take the virus vaccine. So refuse to take this virus vaccine, even if people threaten to kill you, or put you in jail. This is a plan by the one world people to use viruses and vaccines to reduce the world’s population. Read the research on the internet to see this diabolical plan. If necessary, you will eventually come to My refuges for protection, and healing of these laboratory made diseases.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have been given MANY LIES ABOUT THE COVID VIRUS AND THE COVID VACCINES. You know the devil is a liar, and his evil workers are also liars. THE BIGGEST LIE IS THAT THE ONE WORLD PEOPLE ARE TELLING YOU TO TAKE THE COVID VACCINE SO YOU CAN LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. THE VACCINES ARE POISONS AND YOU HAVE HEARD SOME DOCTORS TELLING YOU THAT THE VACCINATED PEOPLE COULD DIE WITHIN TWO YEARS. THIS DEFINITELY IS NOT NORMAL. PEOPLE, WHO GET THE COVID VIRUS, SURVIVE AND HAVE NATURAL ANTIBODIES TO FIGHT DISEASES WITHOUT A VACCINE. The vaccines cause your bodies to manufacture the spike protein to make the virus. The vaccine is definitely changing your DNA to do this. THIS IS ANOTHER LIE FROM THE EVIL ONES WHO SAY IT DOES NOT CHANGE YOUR DNA. This virus and the vaccines were made purposely to reduce the population, and this is why the evil ones have made these poisons to kill people. REFUSE to take any Covid vaccines and you need to bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. Those people, WHO BELIEVE I CAN HEAL THEM, WILL NOT DIE FROM THE VACCINE. Pray for the people NOT TO TAKE THE COVID VACCINE, and bless the vaccinated people with this oil so they WILL NOT DIE. SO DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES OF THE EVIL ONES, BUT ONLY FOLLOW MY DIRECTIONS TO AVOID TAKING THE COVID VACCINE AND AVOID TAKING THE FLU SHOTS.”
